Please, tell me how to avoid my upcoming exam!

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by Yiwa, May 28, 2007.

  1. Yiwa

    Yiwa Member

    In the beginning of July I will have an oral exam in chinese, it freaks me out, especially since it is in front of the rest of my class. I have thought about pushing my artery in the neck so I will turn unconscious...but I don't think that's a good idea. The teacher will just slap my face until I wake up and give me some extra minutes with some and to be more nervous in. Any suggestions?
  2. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    my suggestion, dont worry about it, its not for another month +. hahahaha, watch some chinese movies, practice, and just chill out
  3. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    Oral exams are easier than written exams I think. It's even easier since it's in chinese. Just try not to stutter and look relaxed.
  4. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    drugs lol jks jks don't do drugs
  5. get someone to read the speech while you listen through a micro high frequency ear piece...
  6. Candyshots

    Candyshots Well-Known Member

    OMG YIWA!!! You really meant it haha. I'll call an ambulance for you =P
  7. Yiwa

    Yiwa Member

    Nice suggestions...I will have them in mind.
    We also have a speach contest (class final) this thursday. But my plan is to do awful so I don't have to do it in front of the rest of the school...The great thing about that contest is that it will not effect the grades and we are just competing for a coffee mug from IKEA(!).
    Rest of you, keep on giving me's really fun to read!
  8. but seriously... you need just be brave n do the damn thing.. what exactly are you afraid of?

    n you need to give us a lil more info as to why you're taking chinese n whatnot...
  9. Candyshots

    Candyshots Well-Known Member

    Just got home! So many freaks on msn you know. Hey, btw you know what? I haven't turned on my cellphone for 2 weeks... and you know why... and I recived like 50 or 60 sms!!!

    We gotto get rid of those freaks we once used to collect =P
    #9 Candyshots, May 28, 2007
    Last edited: May 28, 2007
  10. lol alright... you guys know each other...

    why not get candyshots to do the speech for you?
  11. Candyshots

    Candyshots Well-Known Member

    Coz she's in Bejing now =P

    Yiwa, you're on your own =P
  12. still got a whole month to study... how hard is that? go walk around n listen to pple convo..
  13. Yiwa

    Yiwa Member

    To Candy: I really really know that!

    To you others: First, I'm not native speaker exactly so I can't really improvise! :( , second, I will do HSK just before so I don't have much time to prepare all my 5 exams.
  14. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    ah just bite the bullet and do it best you can, youll feel real nervous before, but youll be glad after
  15. Candyshots

    Candyshots Well-Known Member

    Wei Yiwa. We've got busted! A few guys from KTH told me that there's a program online that finds out whom got blocked by whom in MSN. Soooo... hehe... You know what to do =P
  16. break a leg
  17. Candyshots

    Candyshots Well-Known Member

    But she can still talk then... Her hardshelled teacher would just put her in a wheelchair.

    Yiwa, so can't play "invalido" either like in that Lasse Åberg movie, haha.

    Hmm, maybe you can ask your Korean friends to slap your face until you swell up enough to not do the talking =P
  18. oh... well in this case "break a leg" will have to mean good luck to her -lol
  19. Candyshots

    Candyshots Well-Known Member

    Haha, THAT too =)
  20. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    say u hit your head on something and ur suffering memory loss and somehow uv managed to forget all the chinese uv ever learned