For those who speak dual languages

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by chickenutbread, May 28, 2007.

  1. chickenutbread

    chickenutbread Well-Known Member

    Do you think it's easier to learn English first then a second language? Or second language then English? Or maybe both as you're growing up but one as dominant? How would you like to have been brought up? My first language is English yet I grew up hearing and speaking Cantonese; I don't really have any complaints but I wish I knew how to write Chinese and speak Mandarin as well. I have a friend who can speak pretty great English who grew up in Singapore and can speak Mandarin and Cantonese + write traditional/simplified Chinese who wishes she learned English first as her native language.
  2. I can speak Canto and english ^^
    But dunno how to read or write in Canto tho...
    Only like really simple stuff -blush

    But yeahh...find it pretty easy to speak CHINGLISH!!
    Yeahhhh -bigclap
  3. eng is easier to learn than chinese i think... if i wasn't chinese i don't think i can ever learn to read or wirte chinese... it's too complicated...
  4. robsh

    robsh Well-Known Member

    well i grow up in aruba
    speak canto when i'm at home but cant read or write
    learned spanish dutch and english at school
    speak papiamento to local ppl in aruba
    learned bit mando from friends
    i think it would be really nice to read or write chinese
    coz i like tvb stuf and chinese movies
    and i learned chinglish from speaking with my cousins here in UK
    best language u can get mate
  5. im a TRI-LINGUAL hahahaha

    i learned vietnamese, then french, then english.

    in my case, learning them in that order is the most efficient.


    you can learn english after french, but you cannot learn french after english...

    you can.. but its extremely hard, given the fact that you already developed the english tongue... from french you can learn english very easily.

    and since vietnamese is harder than french, learning languages from the hardest to the easiest is the most efficient way to go.
  6. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    No, learning the more complicated language (in my case, Cantonese) is easier as English is the relatively "easier" language, with alphbet and all.

    But I guess for people who is fluent in other romanic language AND English, it doesn't really matter.

    To me, I would say I wish to learn Cantonese (or Mandarin, either Chinese) and French when I was growing up, just because neither of them quite has rules but it's a sheer matter of association (too many exceptions in French's case make it difficult to master once you grew up) then English. I may have an accent, but English is one of the easier ones to be grammatically correct.

    @dann: so true, I wish my parent moved to MTL instead so that I can learn French intensely... Now I am suffering TT_TTb
  7. Yeh...Learing French after English is pretty hard...
    I learnt French for 5 years...
    Now I forgotten like most of it
    But I can stil remember the basics ^^
  8. lol

    not only that, in order to learn a language and not forget it, in psychology, you must learn a language before the 100 something develops.... i forgot lol

    but basically, as a child you have a faster understanding of languages because there are a 100 something in your mind that are undeveloped, and it develops into the languages you speak.... confusing, but its psychology lol

    hiake, you couldve went to a french schools lol

    send your kids to a french school hehehehe

    theres one beside buttonville PS at 16 and woodbine lol that was mine ;)
  9. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    My first language was Cantonese...
    That's what my parents conversed to me in.
    Mandarin second language, together with Malay.
    English comes last.
    Now, it seems my English is better than other languages... -lol
    How ironic.
  10. i grew up learning dutch.. but when i was around 8 i started watching english cartoon and so on.. so thatswhy my english is above average..
    english aint that hard...
    prolly i only got some grammar probs since i never get corrected by people :p

    wow b-rain... how awesome is that lmao
  12. lol... i had alot of diff languages.. but never use them so kinda forget them


    only 3 language i still use is dutch,canto,english
  13. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    i think since eng is an easier language, you should grow up speaking chinese first

    eng is not tonal language so if you speak that first, youll find it hard to produce the proper pin yum. but learn chinese first and english comes easy

    i grew up speaking canto, then learnt english, my english is pretty much perfect and my canto is fluent
  14. Kqc84

    Kqc84 Well-Known Member

    it is much easier learning chinese/japanese/korean first, followed by English. the only thing that might be hard if you do it this way is adjusting to the grammar
  15. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    i wonder how they learn english in uk lol
  16. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    I learned cantonese first, then english, then mandarin. I think cantonese is one of the most difficult languages to learn if one did not learn it from birth and living in HK/china. The slang would be the most difficult part as it comes in trends and changes gradually.
  17. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    my first language was cantonese... but then i started going to pre-school and my grandpa stopped living with us and moved away, so i didnt have anyone to talk with and i ended up forgetting the language.

    Now i just speak english and a little bit of Canto that iv picked up from music/movies/ and conversations with my chink relatives.
  18. PhY pHy

    PhY pHy Well-Known Member

    My second language is english...i started speaking
    canto when i was i had problems speaking
    english till i was in grade 4....but i think its better
    for me to know chiense first and then english...
    cuz i can speak fluently in it and also speak fluently in
  19. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    we watch american films all day long in nursery school
  20. sp-lork

    sp-lork Well-Known Member

    english was the easiest. i'd say cantonese was harder since no one really speaks it with me. and the classes back then were really stupid cause no one really learned anything :p