That's true. What I hate the most is when you post something, and members are just like, "Thanks" And that's it. -_- But meh, if you don't have anything to say, hard to just... say stuff to reach the required amount...
^ we all got to start from somewhere. I think its ok if people just come on for BT downloads, cause it can increase file distribution although many people leech (theres not we can do about that) but when they take up the DDL it sucks
[sorry for digging up this thread, but I was going to make a topic on this untill I did a search] YES!!! I do infact hate it when people only register to see the download links. As some of the links you will need to log in to see, why can't they just contribute to the forum. But I must admit, first I joined was yeah . . . to download. But at least I posts, unlike some PA members on here. Who registered like 2 years ago yet they have 0 posts!!
yeah at first i joined to download too but i kinda like this site it helps me kill hours can put post count on DLs
Yep, I initially joined just to get sum downloads... I think I only started being active in April, if I am not wrong.
I actually didnt come here for the downloads, though I do take advantage of the download section at times. Anyway, I agree, I wish everyone would post if they can, especially seeing how we have over 30,000 members? That would be awesome.. What irritates me the most though, is when someone posts a request and some kind person fulfills the request, then the person aka leecher complains about the service that was used to upload the file, then has the nerve to ask the person to upload it again.. It's like 1. You're not paying for it so shaddup. 2. You could have easily downloaded uTorrent or BitComet or any other one of those kind of programs and try to get what you want yourself, but instead you want everyone else to do it for you...<_<
^ OMGGG. you summed it all up way too well for me sugacutie0! like seriously, don't complain if you don't contribute. DUH! -noclue
LOL...when i actually came here...i didnt post much...but i didnt come here to dl...cuz i have other forums to do that...i thought this site was cool...but i didnt post much...but then... i started posting more and more...if i had posted like i did now..i would probaby have about 2000
@phy: lol, yeah. same here I would have more posts than i have right now, I only started being active recently... yeah i have other forums where i can download series.