do we have any figure of how many active members we have here at PA i think we should just delete the accounts if they were inactive for 3-6 months c...weere not all that well...some people are i
^what if someone's on holiday.. with no access to a computer? and to answer the original statement, some of us don't have time to just lounge around.. in the lounge. all right, that was lame. i disagree with the "make a minimum number of required posts per day before downloading".
12k/30 month we need to calculate the ratio to regulars and leechers i think its quite high for this kinda forum without force posts -bigclap
What happens to the people who don't post or download? I guess were a minority and are always going to be overlooked :(.
just to be fair, i know some who post in the dl section where there is no post count. They contribute by putting up uploads, so i think they deserve credit for what they do too.
heres a problem with no force pay but forced post: leechers = spam heres a problem with force pay: us = not gonna like it lol