Please, tell me how to avoid my upcoming exam!

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by Yiwa, May 28, 2007.

  1. Vinnie_boy

    Vinnie_boy Well-Known Member

    Just relax and let the big man upstairs do all the work and if it doesnt work out you know you have to change religion lol jks jks ^^ just relax and do your best ^^
  2. Veincentury

    Veincentury Well-Known Member

    I would personally just chillax the day before an exam or go to the gym to loosen myself.

    But if I have to come up with an excuse I would intentionally make myself sick by not sleeping for like a day or more with shorts and a shirt so that my immune system is weak and then eat a lot of deep fried things like potato chips, McDonalds, lots of peanut to cause a bacterial infection in my throat.
    If you were to do this you would have a bonified medical excuse not to attend class; you won't be able to speak for an oral speech; and the self inflicted cold can be blamed on the weather.
  3. weezelskeezel

    weezelskeezel Well-Known Member

    just suck it up and do it, it can't be that bad. i always think of it as i'm only gonna see these ppl a few times and they won't remember me later so just do it. i mean, it's not like u keep thinking of how other ppl presented after their presentation right? (well i don't anyway). hmm not to be a bad influence or anything, but since ur asking, the last time i had to present in front of my class i was also really nervous so i just had one or two shots of alcohol to help calm the nerves. this wasn't enough to get me drunk but it helped loosen me up
  4. Yiwa

    Yiwa Member

    Haha, I like constructive suggestions like this one!!!

    BTW the situation have worsen, I have been chosen by the indonesian huaqiao's to represent the white community (=me) in my class in the semi final of the speach contest...The topic is soooooo inspiring, My Life as an Foreign Student! And I am risking to win the coffe cup 'Gunnar' from IKEA (how ironic isn't that)!
  5. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol atleast its a *speech* exam and not a spelling test
  6. Veincentury

    Veincentury Well-Known Member


    Thank you thank you very much. Wtf, since did Ikea started making cups. lmao. All of this for a cup.
  7. Yiwa

    Yiwa Member

    They have lots of cups, mugs, plates, glasses....but nothing is good enough to bring back to Sweden in july (especially since every larger town in Sweden have a IKEA with more things than anywhere else in the world) so I really didn't want to win the contest...and I didn't! I made it to the semi finals and was rewarded a travel mug set in pink plastic instead.

    Now it's all over...almost, and I just have the final exam left and I realized that I don't really care anymore how it will maybe my problem is solved. I will turn up at the exam really "qingsong"!
  8. Veincentury

    Veincentury Well-Known Member

    haha, well I would assume the Chinese would be making the cups for Ikea so no surprise there, but I only thought Ikea made furniture. Anyways good luck on finals and stuff.