ok let me lay it all out for you if we want to stop leechers from just leeching, 1. we can force them to type posts like they are now. problem: they spam like a-hole benjwang, and we get a trashed forum. 2. we put a fee for the forum. problem: members like us who post everyday will not like it. 3. we put a fee for leechers only problem: civil law suit, cuz its not fair that we dont pay.
yeah there are some who only download and kept pestering the uploaders when to post the next epsiode (especially drama section)...and most of them are bananas...guess they haven't really familiar with PA operation but they should at least read the forum before asking silly questions...
LOL..omg..i know they go like "wheres episode ___?" "hurry up and post episode ___" "how long is this taking u? hurry up" I just wann go and punch those people... make me mad
well there's thanks button there...or at least maybe those who uploaded can upgrade their status faster or sumthing...
yeah, i think so too...in fact, I think those with many 'thanks' should be upgraded faster than those who post...
Too bad most of the people don't use that 'thanks' button or at best they reply in your thread saying 'thanks for sharing'.
^That's why I haf suggested to come up with a script like if you wanna see the DDL links, you have first got to press the thanks button... Just like some forums make it compulsory to reply in the thread b4 able to see the DDL.
^ Heh, I was thinking of uploading stuff with password protection like some already are using and if you want the password you need to click on the 'thanks' button and you'll get the password in your pm but your plan sounds much better, less complicated.
^ we don't really like to force people to post or a system that forces one to do something well depends like that new screening rule, we had no choice with that but generally we dont you rarely find a forum like PA which doesnt force people to do stuff ....... much bwhahahahaha
yeh forcing people produces too much spam, but god we need to shut those people up who keep requesting stuff and complaining about slow speeds
im just wondering the speed at which they are complaining at well im used to a 512k bb and still using so fast to me is like 40-50kbs so im not complaining -tongue2 ...... im patient ^^
i know... its because leechers when they use BT they upload at the min like 1kBs, if they upload at decent speeds to give back they get speeds like 80-100kBs and its not like filefront, megaupload and sendspace are slow...
do what thf did last time make the post count to 100 even if its crazy spam they at least need an hour to do it and then can clean up his spam and ban their arse hehe just a suggestion
^ too much work for mods to keep control of crazy spam and it messes with the forum big time, so much spam and dead topics being dug up
don't those ppl get banned or have a lock on them? maybe should do a sort of monthly postage limit... i dno. PA is fun to post on tho, plenty of fun convos on here haha. oh well, ppl r like that tho aint they.
Look at it this way, I believe it doesn't take much effort on the downloader's part to press the thanks button... It wouldn't even hurt him at all... lol On the other hand, it might encourage more people to contribute DDLs if there's a way to recognize their effort and hard work.
What's wrong with that? What about some people who are posting too much and not downloading enough. By not downloading, you are wasting uploaders' effort and not showing appreication.