I haven't dated so I don't have much experience with this forum. Do people these days prefer mainly pretty or ugly guys or girls, I mean what good is it if she or he doesn't have a good personality.
well i'm sure most ppl agree that u naturally get attracted to all the pretty ones =) but end of day, its not all abt looks, compatibility is a big issue tho at the same time, if ur not serious, its always nice to have a pretty bf/gf to show off =D
^^ahaha...so true...i would say looks will attract...but in the end...if ur going serious... looks will eventually be the sub-important thing in a relationship...the most important thing is the feel and the honesty...and also like reno sed...the compatibility in a relationship...
Lolz...thank god u said not serious...Its not really love if its all about showing off. I don't think looks matters the most for girls but for guys its kinda debatable...But, obviously to have said that, ur partner must be someone you feel comfortable looking at.-flow
^^true...lol...thats y some rich guyz dunt pick all that pretty gurlz...they might run away with their money...lol
lol, i agree.. first impression - mainly looks is starting point, but it soo depends on personality afterwards
Oh well honey, ur gonna miss out on knowing girls that are not so pretty but with awesome attitude cos u waste time exploring on girls with good looks first (but fair enough).-noclue hahahahaah
Hahaha Phy phy you'll be suprised how much rich guys go for dumb blond kinda chicks. Rich guys are more interested in showing off and making their partners bend to their will....-^_^ than having a compatible partner....
looks are initial attraction ... that gets a guy up from his seat to pick the girl up and vice versa. i think at the end, personality counts alot. if that guy/girl is semi decent with good fit personality with yourself, i think that's what's most important. of course, if this is someone you are talking about long term (if you are seriously dating), then she is the first thing and last thing you see every day ... so you might want to take into consideration. forever is a very long time to be annoyed by his/her look.
doesn't have to be pretty, can be average, actually can be slightly ugly but can NOT be SUPER UGLY or fat
i can tell this guy wants to be trendy. asking what the trend of girls are right now.... like phoenix gil said... what you prefer.. and i prefer hot. lmao hahaa
Personality matters a lot. It matters so much that some girls are willing to let your personality overshadow your looks. But just so you know, no one PREFERS "ugly" people by that very definition. Ugly means "displeasing to the senses". We don't WANT something that displeases us.
whats with all the ----- OR ----- threads?? but anyways like everyone has said we're all going to say we prefer pretty...as no-one is gonna go for a ugly partner but ones persons ugliness may be another persons prettyness.....as we all have different tastes....so it does not really matter as we all have different opinions as to what is ugly and pretty