But for choice #2, the relationship is non-fulfilling. That seems to me like the relationship is lacking some integrity and love. Like the relationship exists for the sake of having a partner only.
^That's why I said I am undecided.... btw #1, #3 and #4 (MAYBE) hahaha. I know I am wicked rite? Dun condemn me plz... :( It's just a thought.
b-rain, clear up what you meant in #3.. and in the mean time, i make my own option. id rather stay single until i find a suitable partner in which, i can settle down in one place, and raise a proper family normally. i dont want to be moving around, because it will not be beneficial at all for my children, and by staying away from my family, i am separating myself from them. in that case, the reason why i dont want a long distance relationship is because i am afraid of parting away from my family. is that clearer? forget my talk of cheating and whatnot. thats all bullshit i have no idea what i was talking about.
I thought it's already clear enuff? It means that you met someone; you like her; you think she's the one for you; but because of the distance; you give it up. #1: you met her, you like her and u decide to start a long-d rlsp. #2: You would rather go for a close distance rlsp even if it's non-fulfilling. #4: You'd start the long-d rlsp; but might give it up if u met someone else ie ur still on the lookout for sumone in ur area.
No, that's not what I mean.. You CAN be with the person when u eventually get married. So the question of u separating from ur children and what not won't be an issue.
#4 is like riding an ox searching for a horse. I think that is unfair for the other person. That person is being used and acts only as a temporary partner.
LOL, dun think it's possible. U'll just haf to explain urself to everyone else here then... -rotfl Yeah I know -sweat That's why I said it's just a thought...
i went with 3 cuz i would go crazy if my dearest was in some sorta trouble or going through shit in her life and i can't be there to support her...