Is it good to leave the computer on 24/7?

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by hkm91450, Jul 6, 2006.

  1. philostrate

    philostrate Well-Known Member

    electricity bill doesn't give much effect i think...those electrical appliances with heating element are the ones that shoot up d bill...i like 2 leave my notebk on 24/7 as well...let it download latest stuff from bit torrent hihi...u know sumtimes when u pause d downlaod and restart it the rate wouldn't be as fast as before...
  2. speed

    speed New Member

    i never leave my computers 24/7 unless downloading something huge. scare that they might overheat
  3. don

    don ello

    letting you computer on 24/7 won't everheat your computer.....if it does really need to get a new computer because your screwed
  4. cybertrance

    cybertrance Member

    computer components have a mtbf, so yes it is bad for the longevity of the parts

    DIESEL Active Member

    I think you should just turn it off when you're finished using it. Unless you are downloading something. It usually slows down performance because of memory leaks, and it might be bad for your hard drives to be running on for so long.

    For MSN, people can just message you when you're offline or email you if it is really important, so I don't see the point in leaving it on for that.

    If you are annoyed by a slow boot time. I'm pretty sure you can find some guide on GOOGLE <> to change your start up and all that good cutting the fat stuff.
  6. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    best cure for slow boot times is a complete reinstall of windows, and stop installing crap
  7. aznboi699

    aznboi699 Active Member

    i don't kno... i think the computer might overheat... but who knos :) - and i'm actually concerned about the energy consumption so i only use it for a couple of hours a day.. and sometimes i let it hibernate throughout the day..
  8. kfong1

    kfong1 Banned

    Sure... Electricity doesn't cost that much yet
  9. sogua

    sogua New Member

    i just leave my main pc (desktop) on 24/7... the rest (laptops) will be on when it is needed.. then shut down after used...
  10. gawain187

    gawain187 Well-Known Member

    Leaving your comp on for long would gather a lot of dust, this dust will clog up the fan and so require more power to run. also if the dust gets on the motherboard the computer may cease to work.
  11. pto88

    pto88 Well-Known Member

    If I keep the computer on, it's usually in power-saving mode. I don't know how much power it's saving, but it makes me feel better.
  12. Kqc84

    Kqc84 Well-Known Member

    i never left my computer on 24/7. i have no desire to have a higher electricity bill and it's good to reboot once in a while. there are only 3 benefits of keeping it on 24/7 now. you get to access your pc faster, can finish tasks that takes a really long time (like video encoding), and minimizing the stress on the motherboard each time you restart. to me, that is not worth reduce my pc life expectancy and paying higher bills most of the time.
  13. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    thats why you periodically give ur pc internals a clean, a little dust aint gonna hurt no one :D