Would you go out with a guy or girl who was nerdy... Yes she or he has big as glasses, braces and reads books we can't even understand-censored
I actually wouldn't mind. Wait...is this nerdy as in nerdy but intellectual, or nerdy as in looks nerdy, can't make a good conversation, LOL? Cos some intellectual people can be nerdy, but they can strike up a very thought provoking conversation, while others are just plain boring...
@bitter guy (aka the OP): Just because a so-called nerdy person is intellectually superior does not necessary means he/she would be a bad date. Although being grilled for the lack of intellect sure isn't a great feeling, I presume. So go read some books instead of ranting about being denied purchase of a certain game. There are the boring people, and there are the intriguing people. Either kind can have their fair share of nerdiness, but long as they are interesting, I don't quite care if he/she look nerdy or whatnot. There's this thing called contact lens and braces DO NOT have the "til death do us part" policy with human beings. And yeah, I presumed the OP was a male.
^ LOL, true say... Or at least the nerdy ones will ruin the holier-than-thou hip wannabe's computer beyond repair Great fun to have...
LOL...I LOVE NERDs...lol...see...as i sed b4... i would want my bf to have an IQ of 200... looks arnt important..but NOT UGLY...thats it...but its never gonna happen...ill better off be a NUN...or a Monk...lol
LOL, so true... I would love to have a super intelligent person as my partner as well Long as they are not replusive in the looks department... Not picky AT ALL...
heh,what with people wearing braces...??? at my age,i would have to wear this thing soon,last week,i've gone to a dentist...i want to cry...
i don't mind if they're a nerd or not. i go for personality more than looks. i don't really like those stuck up chicks that think they're heaps hot.
a guy with braces and glasses could still look hot... lately ive seen a lot of hot guys wearing glasses in suits... and must say they look quite good... Reading books I dont understand...? Intelligent guys are attractive...maybe he can explain some stuff to me and I can be nerdy too hehe