3 girls on PA could hardly account for the entire female population. I saw a similar poll as this on another forum, and the majority of females there went for option A whereas the males for option B.
Totally WORD... As long as he doesn't have anger issues So it all boils down to the Chauvinist instinct of the male dominant society or what?
Haven't studies shown that people with high EQs tend to get further in life than people with high IQs? B either way for me, though.
sighs.. either go with a "boring egg" or a "low B" partner.. hard to choose.. probably keep searching lol!
Hey CAS! Haven't see you around PA for a while~ What's up And yeah, people with high EQ do generally do better in life, and usually live longer... But the scenario given by the OP assumes that the person with high EQ has, in turn, low IQ... So I won't be so certain that he/she will get far in life @_@bbb LOL @ "boring egg" and "low B"
I picked person B Oh my gosh, after voting I see everyone picked person B. I guess everyone likes the kind hearted personality rather then the boastful one.
No, just because low EQ is VERY stressful and depressing... While low IQ is only moderately boring and unintriging... Lesser of two evils, you see?
People with high EQs get along with others well, but they still need a decent IQ to actually produce high quality work in order to get far in life.
^ But given the fact that most jobs require a fair amount of people skills, high EQ does have an edge... IF the person has a respectable IQ to go with it that is... But if the person in question is really stupid I don't think it matter much if his/her EQ is sky high...
It depends on what kind of job you are working as. If you are working as a bricklayer, i doubt you'll need much of an IQ. Similarly if u wanna excel in ur sales career, you gotta haf a very high EQ to communicate with ur customers, but u don't really need a high IQ. If you are workin in a profession of let's say a scientist, accountant, doctor or a lawyer, then high IQ is essential whilst low EQ is not much of a problem.
No matter how skilled the bricklayer/plumber/exterminator/tradesman is, he'll still need a decent IQ to get around/solve problems: eg how to lay bricks in an awkward shaped driveway or around some obstruction, etc... And for white collared jobs like sales (insurance, cars, real estate etc), I agree that a high EQ is essential; however if they have a low IQ (eg a homebuyer with an unusual financial circumstance requiring the real estate agent to be able to work around to close the sale), it would be difficult for them to become stellar at their jobs if they didn't have the IQ to think outside of the box. As for doctors, lawyers, and accountants, high EQ is of the utmost importance. They deal with many different types of people every single day. If their EQ is low, they're liable to even get sued or loose a lot of business.
That's where memorizing comes in. You might be stupid, but you are not too stupid to memorize if you can't work it out by logic rite? And if a person like the bricklayer does his job and gets familiar with it, i doubt he requires much thinking. He just needs training. If they haf a high IQ, they would definitely know to follow the rules, thus they wun be sued. Not all lawyers, accountants or doctors haf high ethics.
lol, if you put it that way, I suppose the bricklayer doesn't require much thinking. He just better hope he doesn't encounter anything that's beyond his training then... Oh no, the rules don't mean anything for those professionals. They're just that, rules, to be followed so they don't go to jail. And ethics are different from EQ. Ethics is being able to separate what's right & what's wrong. EQ is being able to interact with people successfully. As an example, doctors have to deal with drug addicts every day coming to the hospital for their "fix" and refusing to leave even though the medical part of their treatment is over. The low EQ doctor will get in a fight with the patient to try and get him to leave, and perhaps even call security. He would have done nothing wrong, and in fact did everything medically necessary (high IQ). However the patient may come back to harrass the doctor another day, sue the doctor, or file a complaint against him and put a black mark on his record. The high EQ doctor will figure out exactly what that patient wants from the getgo, be able to negotiate a deal with him (eg one fix of narcs, and send him home) and be able to convince him to leave on his own and not return to his emergency room, and avoid the hassle of a confrontation and potential retribution. lol, if I practiced like doctor house, I don't know how many times I would have been sued already *grins*
i would choose B, want a partner that has a goood personality. cause to me, a girl really shines through her personality. hehe
Neither...can't stand people who boast, can't stand stupid people either (maybe that's why i can't stand myself at times, lol...so i need someone smarter to guide me)