^Hmm, why? Aren't u anxious to find out? Or the story isn't as thrilling to you to make you curious? -mellow
Neither. Because a good story need to give us some breathing space between the chapters, build up the anticipation -devil
Haha okay... then... But I'll be updating it this morning okie? it's 3am now... might be updating it around 8am or so...
^...what Hiake said. I do want to know what happens next but if you build up your story good enough, it's always better than offering us straight horror.
Tax, it doesn't make a difference. I have already written em out.. lol, like I said, i am near the end now.
i have a new guess.lol that Janie is realy her sister!! and they gave her up,and Kaelyn has the same dark power as Janie and what a bloody fight it's going to be in the end.lol then again who knows babyrain is a great writer tho!! and to all you lurker's out there,post something!!! even if it's only a line or two,how whould you like it if your wrote a cool as horror story. and a bunch of ppl read it but didn't tell you if it was good or bad! i bet you wouldn't be happy,but you go girl i'll suport you tho rain or shine btw taxloss thanks for pointing out something that i miss in my last guess.lol they's no way he could had raped his lil girl
Hmmm, finally we got more than a hasty glance of Mr. Creed's subplot... Wonder if Samantha has anything to do with Janie... I don't know, just a hunch
^haha, no probs, although BRain can change that if she wants to But I agree with you that it's possible Janie is in fact Kaelyn's sister and Mr. Creed had insisted to give up Janie which led to the break between him and Mrs. Creed. Somehow he'd found out Janie's dark forces are trying to break out and wants to warn his ex-wive as she might be Janie's next victim.
So ..... since it's 3/4 of the story, I want to get a vote from you guys.. which character u feel for the most? Or none? (coz my char development sux) And if the story ended the way u guessed, would you be dissapointed?
i feel for creed the most,and no i'd still love to read the parts i didn't guess and the parts i did too,so let us see more of this great story
I don't really feel for any of the characters, but if I HAVE to choose, I felt bad for Polly just because she got involved for no apparent reason whatsoever... Mr. Creed would be a close second just because being mistreated by K isn't very pleasant while he seems to be mostly harmless @_@bbb I think I liked odd people with acid tongue... who unfortunately is absent from this particular story
I can only speak for myself ofcourse but so far it's only Mr. Creed whom I feel the most sympathy for. (you can easily turn George into a creep...) And I don't think I can be disappointed much if the ending goes like the way we have (partly?) guessed as long all storylines so far comes together, leaving no hiatus, making sense.