RETAIL WORK: the most annoying customers

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by Dan, Jun 3, 2007.

  1. For those working in retail stores, have you ever had a special customer that, even tho you try your best to please them, they are still anal to you?

    if you did, tell your stories here!

    i work at canadian tire in sporting goods, and its been only a few weeks, ive met the most anger-management-needed customers....

    here are two lol

  2. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    LOL, believe me.. it's not only in the retail service that u meet stupid annoying ignorant brainless customers.. :p
  3. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    its worse if you have ignorant brainless co workers lol
  4. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    OMG, customer service has the most stories to share...

    One just cannot help but think those angry customers are retards =_=bbb

    And totally WORD to fearless, nothing beats having retarded co-workers as they end up increasing your work load 10 fold...
  5. Vinnie_boy

    Vinnie_boy Well-Known Member

    hahaha nice stories ^^ specially like it how you use "effing" instead of "fucking" even thought you used "fucktart" in your quotes hahaha ^^

    but still yea some people are stupid like that and they deserve a slap to wake them up = =
  6. tallgirl888

    tallgirl888 Well-Known Member

    I've only worked retail once at Best Buy and it wasn't that bad.

    I think when people spend money they expect to be treated like kings and queens and think they are important...
  7. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    And you know what is even less pleasant than ignorant customers (if that is possible)?

    People who know a wee bit of everything.

    Because they would have some unreasonable demands and TELL YOU that they've seen it done before, not realizing that YES, it can be done, and NO, I won't go through all the trouble for such unpleasant customers...

    So I always end up telling them it's beyond my authority, no password or something :p
  8. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    What's worse than ignorant customers -> people who actually know about sth, and they wanna test u on it. Asking u all kinds of questions and if u contradict urself they will say, "Oh really? That's not ..." I mean for god's sake if u already knew, why the hell did u ask? Just to test me? Lol.
  9. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    And it just proves that "stupidity sees no end"...
  10. lol best buy... i have a friend that works there too..

    at future shop, which is basically the same, the dude at video games was so chill lol

    no heavy stuff... just tiny games.... ahaha

    true... i usually say "im not 100% sure, but i do believe that blah blah, and if you like, i can confirm that with another employee"
  11. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Aww Dann! I know how you feel, although I don't work as a sales rep. or at a customer service desk I have heard enough retarded demands by stupid/rude customers. :(

    Try to think of those who are happy with the given service by you and who leave the shop happily with a bike or at least some goodadvice. :)

    I'm never rude to the sales people myself, although on 3 occasions I wasn't treated very well despite me being polite and not asking stupid questions or demanded something stupid.

    Once was when I returned a new tv back my dad had bought for me which had really fluorescent colours if you used text tv and there was really no possibility to change that, I've read up the manual both in Dutch and English but there was nothing about changing those colours for text tv, so I wanted to change this tv for another one (a bigger and more expensive one) but that sales rep. told me it was possible to change that and claimed it was just me not being able to find the solution as all women are not technical enough to set the tv channels on their telly etcetc.

    Now I'm not exactly a feminist but that time that loser did manage to get me angry, especially when he tried to bluff his way by saying it was described in the manual in the Spanish part! I don't buy that kind of bs!!! I took my nice customer mask off and said curtly "I don't want this one, I have the right to bring it back if I'm not satisfied with the product within 14 days so give me the other one!"

    Oh, and at home I am the one who's tuning/setting the electronic stuff so it didn't work for that tv seller trying to bluff his way around. Never bought anything from that store again. (a few months later it was closed down btw haha)
  12. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Dann --> Go watch Clerks and Clerks II they are awesome on the life of a retail worker! Lol. SUper awesome movies.
  13. oh... lol

    how did he know it was in the manual? even i dont know whats in my bike or whatnot manuals lol

    @b-rain, ill try downloading it lol
  14. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Do it do it -devil U won't regret...
    Btw. clerks is in black and white.. but the dialogue is really awesome. Lol funny as shit.
  15. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    He clearly didn't know as he took the manual off my hands and turned nervously to the section in Spanish....(it's a Philips make...wouldn't it make sense IF there was something about changing text tv colours's brightness also be in Dutch?)

    I would have appreciate an honest answer from that guy like "I'm sorry, I have no idea" instead of lying to me and looking down at me.
  16. in spanish... why in spanish....
  17. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    His guess was I probably I wouldn't be able to read Spanish, hoping I would believe him if he point a certain part in Spanish that I would blindly believe him. (but even then, there are still some similarities with Dutch so I would have been able to understand it roughly)

    (oh yeah, Dann, you really should cehck Clerks 1 and 2, Kevin Smith's dialogue's are ace)
  18. spanish... retard doesnt know that manuals with multi languages are all identical, just the exact translation?

    i wouldve gone to the gm lol
  19. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    ahhh...retail...i have too many stories to tell...
    but a couple does come to mind, this chick once yelled at me because the shirt she wanted didn't come in her size. i told her we only carry sizes up to XL and that there wasn't anything i could do for her. so she proceeded to yell at me saying that i was discriminating against her because she's overweight.
    this other time, this man wanted to return a shirt that he said he had bought for his wife for her birthday. the tag had ripped off, he didn't have a receipt and there was a huge stain on the shirt. i told him we couldn't take it back. he used every profanity word that came to mind and then he threw a couple of racist ones too. i had to call security to come and take him away.
  20. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Woot, you have caught them ;)