hi...my first post..hopefully its posted in the right section anyways i was thinking cause i dont like to go clubbing, or raves dance parties or parties where people drink (cause i dont drink at all)etc...the only way i really meet/make new friends is thought uni basically and plus i like meeting people face to face it has more of an openness to it and you can see what type of person they are just by interaction with them... so how do you guys meet people? online....
You can always meet some people online and ask them out for a drink later... If you are talking about uni, then I think the best place to meet is at the cafeteria or in the library... or if u join a club or sth.
I share the same thoughts...But then it doesn't really bother me. I just keep myself at home What you can do is go for youth camps or something, I guess you can meet a lot of ppl there...
lol I knew a guy that went to bookstores just to meet girls there..>.< that is somewhat of a good place to meet people, I've casually spoken to many people at my local bookstore. Soo, you only want to me online people...?
you should join a nice club at the uni =) or pick up some sports activty, i got lots of new friends when i joined the swim team. you usually can't meet people that you are going keep in touch with at clubs or raves...atleast i've never done that.
thanks for the suggestions....but im in aust. i wanna meet ppl in person i dont mind online but its harder for me to communicate well over the net msn etc...and well goin out with pplonline that i dont know..well i dont know if thats safe nowadays and about uni, well my uni sucks at social event its basically drinking or rave like events...well clubs...hmm you see my uni there are many campus and there isnt much clubs at my campus that well interests me...am i too pickly???lol and its my last year at uni so it will be over soon....mix feelings over that... i guest it hard for me cause im so shy.... thanks everyone for your comment its made my day
well the easiest thing to do is arrange to go out with mates & get those to bring some or just a few of their mates ... lol that way u know tht the people u meet are nice (seein' as they are mates with ur mates) =] sorted
You sure they're intelligent? The intelligent girls I know stay at home and sleep...like me...LOL!! Just kidding... But how do you suddenly walk up to a stranger and strike a conversation??!!
Haha...tell me which library you go to and I'll stay far far away -sweat But then again, since you're only attracted to blondes, I guess I don't stand a chance! -blush