I'm looking for products that will highlight my hair temporarily. Does anyone know of any that is easy to use (e.g., like a mascara wand) that will wash out eventually?
mascara wands are awesome but often they remain wet (and sticky) so no touching and for those who do dry, the end us kinda hard so if it's just a little touch here and there, i think that mascara wands are ok but if your going for the whole head, eh, look for something else
friends sprayed me on my bday couple years ago bright red and green lol except had to wash it off, cos didn't want everything in house all colored hehehe
Thanks for all the input so far, but does anyone have any specific suggestions (i.e., brand names)? Thanks.
you should go the comsmetics shops and ask, it is a jungel with products out there, and it kinda depends on which country you live in ....and if you have dark hair most of the products doesn't give that much of an effect, expect for spray but that rubs off way too easily....if you don't want those crazy colors such as green, blue purple etc, you should dy it with one of those that last for a few weeks, they look better.
i think every brand have those temporary highlights ... that washes off after 2 wash or however many washes. go look at the stores
I live in Canada, so any suggestions for products available here would be great! I also have very black hair so I will need something extra strong!!!
hehe...Canada, well i don't exactly what products you guys have there as i live on the other side of the planet ^^ big brands such as L'oreal or Garnier has special hightlight kits...maybe that might be something for you? they are not that pricey and it lasts for a few weeks or 30 washes or something. you have to choose carefully so that it suits your hair, cause hair dye for blonds are different from brunetts. if you want really good effect then you might wanna bleech your hair (the parts that you wanna highlight) since you have dark hair, and that is something that you shouldn't do at home...
Hehe...sorry, I didn't mean to ask YOU directly about Canadian products (I did notice that you live in Sweden)...I was just responding to your comment about how there are lots of products available.
what do you mean to highlight hair temporariliy? temporariliy for 1 day, a couple of days, a couple weeks, a month???