and shortly after my failed attempts, the Windows pop up window that says "Would you like to send a report?" <-- [or a message to that effect] pops up and the nothing happens.
ermmm.... why wont it work??... well have you tried restarting your pc and then open up itunes. If dont work then click on a music file then it shud play on itunes.
probably bad upgrade or something. Just reinstall or rollback on windows feature though i dont recommend that unless its last resort. the windows rollback feature does odd things sometimes. Try playing songs with another player to test if its that song thast problematic. Might be a song you added thast causing problems, etc.
do you have any screen shots or any error codes that went with the failed openeing of the itunes? maybe try and download the newest version of the itunes and see if that fixes it...u might have a dirty install or the registry files got corrupted and you just need a quick fix for it...
My guess would be that it's a corrupt dll file somewhere in the application folder. Download the installer and run it. It should allow you to repair iTunes, that should do the trick.
i did the entire "repair iTunes" thing and also what tonkachi suggested by uploading the newest version. i'm thinking of re-installing it but if i uninstall it, will all the music lists and everything i have be lost forever? :(
Can you tell more about the situation? Did this suddenly happened or after an upgrade? Did you upgrade to vista?
If you're looking to reinstall iTunes and you're afraid you might lose all your music. Go into My Computer > Your Harddrive > Program Files and look for the iTunes folder. Rename it then reinstall iTunes.
i think this happened shortly after an upgrade (or so my memory tells me but my memory isn't trustworthy a little over half the time sorry). this happened about a week to 2 weeks ago already. and i'm not quite sure if it was called "vista"? all i do know is that it won't open at all and always has that stupid windows "send a report" pop up. i'm not afraid of losing my music but of all the lists i made like how i have certain playlists/songs grouped together.
the new itunes is pissing me off..i got my ipod mini battery in the mail today cause my mini been lying around for like over a year with a dead battery...anyways..i dl the new itunes and its so weird...didnt know how to put the songs i want in my ipod or format it and stuf...itunes SUCK
^yo man, please help me?? MAVERICK! come back. lol. so most likely it was the new iPod update that caused my iTunes to crash? :/
Ok so try this. 1) dont plug in your ipod... 2) download the latest itunes installation 3) without uninstalling, just install it into the same directory, install over it. 4) see if it was fixed. If you're worried about the lists you made you should find them first and move them out.