Asian Glow/Flush/Blush

Discussion in 'Health, Beauty, and Fashion' started by cottoncandybabe, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. cottoncandybabe

    cottoncandybabe Well-Known Member

    well for who doesnt know its
    when people (spesh asians) go red
    in the face and/or body after drinking

    i have it & it annoys me sooooo much!
    does anyone else have it ?
    what do u do 'bout it? :p

    peeps tell me u can get those tablets
    like pepcid that will help
    but not completely stop it =[
    aparently ALOT of asians have it
    how unfair! lol
    why me?! ::)(
  2. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    i got asian glow too...ppl always mistake me as drunk when IM NOT =p
  3. cottoncandybabe

    cottoncandybabe Well-Known Member

    lol yeah it sucks
    it kinda helps when u drink slow to start with
    is urs really bad though?
    mine tends to spread from my head to like chest area & arms :(
  4. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    It's caused by a particular enzyme in the GI tract which Asians often lacks. That enzyme supposingly metabolize the alcohol one consume.

    For Asians who lack that enzyme, the sudden alcohol surge in the GI tract trigger a small-scale allergic reaction, thus the flush.

    I remember there are stomach pills which have the fortunate side effects of suppressing the proteins (which goes haywire when come into contact with alcohol -> allergic reaction/flush) but I forgot the brand :(

    I don't have a MAJOR flush, but I will end up having rosy cheeks (plus, who can really see in that dim karaoke box?) -lol
  5. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Dont have this problem at all. Can consume 6-7 shots of vodka and still look the same. -lol
  6. cottoncandybabe

    cottoncandybabe Well-Known Member

    vodka shots, as nice as they are.... arent what i would call proper drinking
    lol shots are only ikkle
    its weird sometimes i get it after like a whole bottle of vodka
    & sometimes i get it after just like one drink
    does my head in =[
  7. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    ^ Could it be bc you have consumed food, hence slower redness?

    Speaking of which, by proper drinking, i assume you mean "clubbing" and not the social type rite?
  8. cottoncandybabe

    cottoncandybabe Well-Known Member

    not really..
    i'm not that dumb to drink on an empty stomach :p
    oh & erm well any type of drinking tbf lol
    arent men less likely to get as red as women though\?
    i should think so
    btw clubbing is socialising lol
  9. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    after 2 drinks ill turn red......sometimes i would "pretend" to b drunk just to do stuff and say stuff=p
  10. cottoncandybabe

    cottoncandybabe Well-Known Member

    lol yeah i tend to do that
    people who dont know me as well, wont even know :p
    but its like not nice...
    its like u seem u get wasted alot easier even though u dont get drunk
    but just go red
    plus people who dont usually come out drinking with me
    always go 'oh michelle, ur drunk uve gone really red'
    its annoying lol plus i dont like being called strawberry! :p
  11. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    @ CB What i mean by social drinking is 2-3 glasses, not like hard liquor by the bottles. Gender has nothing to do with how fast a person get red, it goes down to how fast a person metabolism reacts to alcohol absorption from the stomach into the blood stream. ;)
  12. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    hi strawberry michelle =)
  13. cottoncandybabe

    cottoncandybabe Well-Known Member

    -cry2 leave me alone!!!!

    hah.. hope that made u feel bad! :p
  14. cottoncandybabe

    cottoncandybabe Well-Known Member

    lol uhmmm
    well that just sucks
    someone should find a cure...
    like RIGHT NOW ! :p
  15. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Naw, kdotc lack this thing called a conscience, so he won't feel bad -devil
  16. cottoncandybabe

    cottoncandybabe Well-Known Member

    lol heartless thing!
    shouldnt pick on lil girls :p
    well i hope u get even more red-er after drinks
  17. i think its so cute when girls get red of drinking hahhaa then really want to pinch there cheeks :p
    but i never get red head of drinking...
  18. cottoncandybabe

    cottoncandybabe Well-Known Member

    u lucky sod! :p
    hah no u dont mean that...
    maybe girls who look like they're blushing
    not when their whole face is red as a strawberry lol
    u'd just think 'what the hell?!' :p
  19. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    kdot can only pick on little girls bc he's a young boy. :D
  20. no hahha its really funny and cute to she strawberry head ;) like it matters....