You know, don't remember where I heard this from (it actually might have been on PA,) but some people have said drinking Pepto Bismol beforehand helps. But not sure how accurate that is.
^YEA BRO! so agreee!!!! *high five* people say corono/desperado is really great beer... but imo i really dont like it... to sweet for beer hahaha
^ HELL ya...someobdy that agrees....*high five* i can't stand the piss water....i'd much rather take shots of crown over drinkin the piss water....
hahha lol... but cocktails are rubbish to sometimes.... so expensive... for so much ice hahaha... one time i paid 5 euros for a small glass with 70% ice in it....
^ pepto bismo is stuff u take when u got the helps to settle your stomach...haven't heard of people takin pepto...but pepcid ac is what i have heard of...or tums dats why u make friends with the bartender...and your drinks are all like doubles for the price of singles...
yeah pepcid ac is sposed to be quite good only trouble is the damn price & availability yeah i'm a girl so its easy to get drinks anyway for free even
sighs... I got the azn blush tooo! but they say ppl turn red is because they have a healthy liver! I get the blush like on my 1st beer or sumtin haha! but never really get drunk.. just talk alot!!! yea! use ur feminine side to get goodies haha!
Yeah, the Asian Flush. I hate it, too. I get itchy, and I have a low @$$ tolerance for cheap alcohol. My whole upper body and face turns red. The redness on my face goes away after a few mins, but my body stays red and itchy for 12+ hours. I know it has something to do with not being able to break down acetaldehyde in the alcohol. Pepcid ac 1 hour before and no eating during, usually does it for me. But sometimes it doesn't work. Gotta try the Pepto Bismol.
hmmm i was thinkin if it does have anything to do with cheap alcohol i usually go for cheap bottles of vodka as it gets u pissed quite easily now i turn more like purple than red lol but that was after half of the wine bottle & half of some pinapple stuff both 30% me thinks wasnt too bad until we had vodka shots.. wish it would just go though lol
wow... a whole bottle of vodka in one sitting? lol u must got some sorta iron liver lol...unless u mean a small 200ml bottle lol... i find it hard to believe someone ur size (saw ur last post... ) can down a regular 1140ml bottle and only get blushed lol...heh no offense tho...may be ur one of those odd super drinkers who can down anything and still be alright lol
has it go anything to do with size tho? lol yeah i meant the smaller bottles at £3.50 each tbf i think ive had more last night but blushed more when i just had vodka shots so maybe its the cheap booze
generally, the more body mass you have the more alcohol you can handle..but thats not always the case tho... -tongue2 i know some skinny people who can drink plenty and some bigger sized people who pass out after half a bottle of beer -ohmy lol
lol thanx alot haha yeah i know i look maybe more like lilac hhahahaha peeps that act they can drink loads & end up bein totally mashed before me... just make me wanna laugh my head off
The Asian Glow ha ha... i never use to get it but i do on the odd occasion now.... nothing wrong with it.... part of being Asian i guess???
HAH no way!!!!!! part of bein asian.. my big fat ass! lol not all asians have it & until u have it everytime u drink it obv wudn affect u at all