When my boyfriend found out awhile ago that I discuss the details of our sex life with my close girl friends, he was very upset at first. He said that he would never disclose detailed information about our relationship to anyone, not even his best friend. I explained to him that this is something that girls do. My reasoning was that since society labels girls as "sluts" and guys as "studs" when it comes to sex, it's ok for a girl to talk about what she does in bed with her boyfriend, since by the standards that society sets, his reputation won't be tarnished. However, if a guy does it then that's like disrespecting his girl by making her look like a slut. What do you think? If you're a guy, do you dish about the details of your sex life to your buddies? If you don't, why? How do you feel about this issue if you're a girl? Just looking for some comments on this.
Very honestly speaking, I do not want my girlfriend to discuss about our sex life with other people. Maybe very very generally mentioning to her best friend is fine, but not into details and specifics. I don't talk about my sex life with other guys.
Actually, after I presented my reasoning he said he understood. If he continued to be uncomfortable with it I would've stopped.
The reason why I don't share my sex life with my gf with other ppl is that I don't want them looking at her differently... it just feels akward for me to talk about it with other guys. Would girls mind if their bf talked about their sex life with other guys?
goodluck...cuz me and all my close friends do it... i think most of girls do it.... we just like to talk...about anythng... i know some guys do it too...even the details...!
I mentioned this my initial post.. "...since society labels girls as "sluts" and guys as "studs" when it comes to sex, it's ok for a girl to talk about what she does in bed with her boyfriend, since by the standards that society sets, his reputation won't be tarnished. However, if a guy does it then that's like disrespecting his girl by making her look like a slut."
I think it's more about respect for your partner. The sex life between my girlfriend and I are private issues and I feel that it's like telling people secrets or like invading privacy if it's discussed with outsiders.
I'm with you. I talk about it with 1-2 of my close female friends, because I trust that they won't blab about it. And I think the same can be said for most (not all) women. Most women talk about everything to their girlfriends, it is not rude or a breach of privacy. Women find it much easier to talk to each other about very personal issues, and men and sex just happen to a be on a long list of things that are open for discussion. We do not do it to compare notes or score points (as some men might!!!) its usually just a topic to talk about, usually reflecting on things we regret or enjoyed.
hmm....i'm the private type i guess. i dont discuss everything that happened with one or two of my best girlfriends, but then i do that because girls get pointers from one antoher...hahah i dont' think it's such a bad thing for the guys that girls discucss these things with one antoehr.
I don't talk about anything which MAY venture into the TMI (too much information) end of the conversation spectrum... and I do not enjoy having a conversation about it in general, my sex life or my friend's...
i do not ... maybe just mentioned that we have consumate the relationship (if asked). but definitely no details. i think it's about respect for the girl. of course as the whole sluts and studs theory ... but regardless, i'm not sure if i like the idea that my gf to kiss and tell ... besides, it's private info.
i cant imagine myself talking about my private life with my buddies...moreover this is my partner. no way.
hmm are u tryin to say ur bf is a stud and ur a ... well u know? im just keeddding but in all seriousness...(bad joke plz dont be mad =)) i personally dont think thats the case anymore... i think its pretty normal for people to be intimate with their significant others now a days.. esp. in our modern society where this sort of stuff is kinda subliminally forced upon us younger people...like im sure u have some sorta sense of which friends of urs are virgins and which ones arent... but u wouldnt think of those who arent as sluts would u? unless they've been around -nono i think the only way for a girl to get the slut label is if she goes around the block with all the neighbors...and guys being studs usually mean they get a lot of different girls -noclue .. im sure ur bf doesnt go around tryin to score with every female that he sees... besides all that stuff takes a back seat cuz now a days with all the other problems we have with sexual intimacy...a girl or guy who sleeps around a lot? i'd be more worried about STDs... lol
hum... iono bout all guys but me n my friends talk about girls too so iono... we range from topics of "wheres shes been"" (like guys they slpt wit) "how they preformed?", what they could of done better. and other topics on that note.... i dont see anything wrong about it.... if girls can talk about guys... i think it is our right to tell our homebois about them too....
Golden Rule: "Do to others as you would want done to you." If you don't mind your sig other talking about the details of your sex life with his buddies, then I suppose it's all right for you to talk about it with your girlfriends. However, since the information is about him personally, you are basically talking about him behind his back, and he has every right to be angry. I would be furious if my wife talked about our sex life with anyone else. I don't talk about the details of my sex life with any of my guy friends. We may talk about women in general, but never about the women we are with. I feel it's disrespectful to the lady. Haven't you heard, "A gentleman never kiss and tells." Imagine if your guy friend told his buddies you have a mole on your breast, now every time you are with his buddies and wearing anything even slightly more revealing/sexy, they'll be oggling at you wondering if that mole is really there? Now imagine that in reverse in regards to what you tell your girlfriends.
i talk about my sex life to my friends and my guy friends too. I haven't told my bf that i do this. I would be kind of hurt too though if i realised or found out that he talked to others about me...I just accepted that for girls to talk is nature, but for guys to talk is being disrespectful. Something like "another notch in the belt" or like "scoring"