Things you just don't understand...

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by Sandy, Apr 5, 2007.

  1. casshern

    casshern Well-Known Member

    Those are the things for young adults. Just like toys are for toddlers, video games for adolescents, and complaining for old people. There are things that make people happy at certain stages of their life.
  2. zoom_zoom

    zoom_zoom Well-Known Member

    why are there cases of toddler/children abuse/murder when kids are soo cute and fun to be around?
  3. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    1. why everyone else around me seems to be so sure of what they are gonna be and i seem to be going around in circles...
    2. why i can like mandarin rap but not cantonese rap when i only understand cantonese...
    3. why i continue to go "uh huh" to a friend telling me a story when i checked out of listening to the story before it started...
    4. why i have such weird ways of eating my food...
    5. why i continue to put up with a fight even when i know i am wrong...
    6. why i hate dasani water...ewwww
    7. why do i sometimes wake up hating the world...
    8. why do ppl treat the ones that love them the most so badly...
    9. why do i like crab but not lobster...
    10. why can't i sleep right now when i haven't slept in two days...
  4. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Because children can get on people's nerve quicker than the rest of the population?

    I personally avoid children. They just create chaos wherever they go.