Refuse To Be FAKE!!

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by evil_mui, Jun 10, 2007.

  1. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    Take a step back and the world will be a better place, many problems will be solved.
  2. chickenutbread

    chickenutbread Well-Known Member

    continue being respectful and hopefully your mom will see that. i don't like being someone who i'm not so i'm sure your mom will see that.. someday. i understand how you feel though. no one really forces me but i act different around family anyways. (not act really close to them but not talk to them unless i'm talken to which is almost never)
  3. ch0ps7ix

    ch0ps7ix Well-Known Member

    wow never knew someone could hold such hatered for ones family member... i hate my cuzins too but dam.... i dont hate them that bad..... just remember blood is thicker than water
  4. ^hehe its easy to hate someone

    thatwhy i just dont really have contact with my family -lol then should be no prob right? -lol
  5. I already said I'm NOT related to her!! <_<
  6. Vinnie_boy

    Vinnie_boy Well-Known Member

    a) hahaha you go "blah blah blah" on the forum as well hahaha i thought you only did that on skype
    b) = =" just slap her and walk away
    c) if my mum EVER told me to be nice to someone i dont like she KNOWS im gonna "Jok Faan"
  7. Keke...YupZ I even said blah blah blah during one of my examination performances before -lol
    Oppsie ^^

    Erm...Nah she would probably break down and cry or something
    I dun hate her or anything I just dun like her :p

    Jok fan...
    Chiew u a lil shieeeetl nowZ neways makin ur cute lil sister sound crazy -lol
  8. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    I have a few family members that really get on my nerves. I love them and all but they always manage to find a way to spoil my mood.

    My mom: She would yell and scream and the tiniest things imaginable. I'm half Vietnamese and half Chinese, my mom is Vietnamese so she has this really high pitched voice that just drives me up the wall. She's also the stubborn type that would never listen to reason and everything has to go her way or all hell breaks loose. She's also very disrespectful, especially to my grandmother and my aunt (older than my mom).

    My younger brother: He's just like my mom. He has a very hot temper and is extremely disrespectful not only to me but my mom and grandmother as well. He is very spoiled and has to get what he wants or else he will make a big deal out of it.

    My cousin on my moms side: Very annoying. She's the type that makes a big deal out of everything. IE: WOW THE GRASS IS GREEN, THAT'S INCREDIBLE!!! She has a son a few years younger than I am but constantly comes over to bring food home. Doesn't she cook for her son? Also she has this really bad habit of calling ever minute or so to "update" us on her trip status driving to our house. She literally live 10 minutes away, how many times does she have to call?
  9. LoL @ 'Wow the grass is green' -lol

    Yeh...My other relative
    YupZ this time shes actually realated to me unfortunatly >.<
    Ahhh...She annoys me so much
    Like shes my mums sister so I have to be nice to her no matter how much I dun wan to
    Bt I swear if she was like my age or something -censored