well... still birthday is once a year thingy. you dont have to set up anything for her. but at least give her a card or something.
^that's kind of sad.. i mean, if i was receiving something that i knew was purely out of "obligation", i'd feel angry/sad. i wonder how she feels?
I've experienced this with a bunch of my friends. Although I personally liked the friend that was eventually dropped from the group, my friends thought that she deserved it. Like how she was drunk once and met us for lunch; how she like act all showy around us and start arguements. We eventually stopped talking to her all together and haven't gone out with her ever since. I think it's all for the better.
Oh, so let us in on the details...where'd u guys go and what'd u do? Well, no one beats my story. I had a housemate/classmate who told me she was sick and won't be back for classes 2 days before her bday. She turned up on her bday and expected us to celeb for her. We were surprised that she turned up, and decided to celeb the next day instead, but we didn't tell her. When she thought we weren't gonna celeb for her, she told us she was moving out and drove 100km back to her hometown!! Crazy biatch!
it was rather sad she and her bf came and even though none of us are close to her bf, all of us ended up talking to her bf 3 times more she kept quiet, like as if she didn't want to be there either we took her to dinner she didn't say thank you for the dinner or the cake or anything than we went and singK and she did enjoy singing, but she dind't really 'hang out' with us she more sat in a corner with her bf and just watched us i found out the next day she needed referances and refused to call any of us but next weekend is another birthday gathering lets see if she will show up (i bet she will, but due to obligation) but even more let's see how she will act
there are times like these that i'm suddenly too busy to do things with friends for "birthday" events. as for my own birthday i just sleep.
i just don't get the part of "Why the hell are you guys still friends?", i don't even want to see those ppz that pisses me off all the time. Well, i guess it all depends on what she does.
geez...did she even thank you guys for the celebration? I mean, even if she didn't enjoy it (i assume) she should've at least thanked you for sparing time...
UPDATE so you guys want to know what happened? she totally continuesly ditched us well ok lets start off we asked the birthday girl (the girl we all love and care about) a week before if she wanted us to invite this girl whom me all dont appreciate anymore she's like "OF COURSE, i paid a portion for her birthday dinner, i'm not going to *sit* to her" (sit (cantonese) = lose money) HA HA HA so she was invited and of course the very last minute she calls and says she will not be coming because work is having her do over time (which i totally think is an excuse to cop out of paying for dinner, but others believe her), she said she will call us after she gets done and join us for the rest of the festivities for the rest of the evening then she called us at 10pm (no way you just got off work) then told one of us that she would not be coming because she is too tired . . . . and to say happy birthday to the birthday girl for her we all just couldn't believe that she called one girl's cell phone, but couldn't call the birthday girl's cell phone to say happy birthday or even that, ask if you could pass the cell phone to the birthday girl, WHO WAS RIGHT THERE, to say happy birthday personally, but to have the message passed along!!!! holy shit! the birthday girl(the one we like) was also graduating the next day so another excuse to get together and party (drinking games, which we rarely do) the girl showed up this time, we were so surprised, but at the same time not (just because she didn't have to shell out money for food or drinks or anything, because we already bought everything) she was extremely late, because she was at a restaurant for at least 3+ hours with her BF, at a fusion japanese place that cost an arm and a leg, i feel kinda bad for her BF, cause he makes barely anything, and for her to anyways need for them to go out and eat so much, and especially at places so nice she seriously cares about class over quality that i know