I think we only have one anti-bacterial product at home, a hand cleaner, but it was already clear it's better not to be "too clean", killing ALL bacteria in your house as it make your immune system weaker. (I believe this is also what the scientists in the article say?) It's just like why people in HK won't get sick so easily from eating from shabby food stalls in the streets while people from the western countries incl. myself quite often won't have an equally strong stomach.
Good article, but not surprised at it. Hear it all the time in the hospital. Thats actually pretty sad + the fact that ppl cannot tolerate stronger antibacterial meds when the time comes because of the superbugs.
LOL, hygiene theory right there... Whatever doesn't kill us humans makes us stronger V^_^ I am frustrated at clean-freaks who "cleans" their hands incessantly with antibacterial water free hand wash thing... There are some who are insane, cleaning their hands every 10 minutes or so... Although I secretly has a crush on the smell of alcohol and other antibacterial chemicals
^ Didnt know that about you, hiake.. I love alcohol..I mean "rubbing" alcohol.. Anyway, yes, I knew this from before, learned it from my mother, so its only soap and water in the house. I will be honest I do wash my hands frequently when Im at work.. Just habit.
I love the smell of alcohol, there are lesser ones which smell kind of... sour? Hate those. My flat is all about soap and water too, if not vinegar and water... Only use alcohol to clean my keyboard... since I don't want my keyboard wet
lol I clean my keyboard and desk, even my phone and cell with alcohol...Too funny-lol Ewwww...My mother always washes her floors with water and vinegar... I cant stand that smell.
I don't mind the smell if I know it's vinegar... but there are different class of alcohol (not rubbing ones) which smell kind of sour = hate :(
^lol hm, thats true, some do have a more sour or "bitter" scent.. I like the 70%USP alcohol..The scent is pleasant as well, to me at least..