Guys: What Qs Do You Have for the Girls?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by gigi_gucci, Jun 6, 2007.

  1. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    <--- Mr. Almost Perfect who's not religious.
  2. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    It takes 2 to get married so i'm gonna have to find a bf first who is willing to propose to me and I will have to want to get married too...
    But if i'd have control over it...
    I'd like to get married when im 27...relax for 1or 2 years and have at least 1 kid before im 30 hehehe...
    I'd prefer marrying a chinese...and my wedding would be a mix of chinese and western....
  3. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Whatwhat?! How do you know you're Mr. Almost Perfect? -lol


    ...what kind of bad habits/minor flaws do you have then?

    If I can choose I would go for the Mr. Perfect ofcourse! I don't believe you can change someone and I don't want to be a hypocrite as I don't want him to change me either. (and as far I know I don't have any bad habits except for stocking up too much food and spending too much money on food)
  4. oh... so brain is that type of girl eh... lol
  5. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    <_< What type of girl? Be specific Dann...
  6. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Sure -devil I want good steak...

    Hmmmm, not the marriage type. So never? -huh

    But if, by one coincidence or another, I do end up getting married, I would love to have no ceremony (I am guessing that's what you meant by Chinese/Western/Both)... Then surely my relatives will protest and pay for my Chinese ceremony... BORING -_-2

    YES. Because I don't expect the hypothetical marriage will hit me...

    Not very important?

    There's thinking and fantasizing, and there's actually WANTING it... I did the former part, but I have yet to embrace the latter part...
  7. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    u see his avator??? the hand with the finger.
  8. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    Do girls care about a guy's handwriting?
  9. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Not really, although a nice handwriting would give me a better impression of that guy.
  10. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    u know what they say about a guy's handwriting...nothing. it doesn't matter
  11. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Not really, as long as it's legible... Nothing beats scribbled love notes which you cannot read -tongue2

    Although I agree with BR that nice handwriting is a plus, but it doesn't seem easy to get by, guys with nice handwriting...
  12. [mJ9]

    [mJ9] Well-Known Member

    no,i don't care.A bad andwriting is not that extreme..
  13. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    If we are talking about handwriting.
    Do you girls, like written love letters a la snailmail?
    Letters via email or none at all ...
  14. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    LOL snail mail... I am of the old lady gang who LOVE them (then proceed to hiding in shame)... I still go sending everyone postcards when I travel, instead of emails or such... When it's possible that is...

    I find email, SMS, social network messages insincere (for a love letter)... But I guess it's better than nothing -rolleyes

    Wait... do people still write love letters? -shock
  15. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    I get the feeling that you are reading them over and over again. And also smelling them :D Which is not possible for the electronical version ...
  16. [mJ9]

    [mJ9] Well-Known Member

    snailmail is better...yeah like hiake said,sending by email is insincere and easy i must say..if he/she really wants to give her a love letter,he/she must really write in on a presentable sheet of paper..yeah some still give love letters...
  17. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    But do you prefer handwritten or printed ones?
  18. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Keeping them, yes to a certain extent. Smelling them??? Hmmm, no. I have a terrible sense of smell so unless the letter is drenched in parfum I wouldn't have noticed :p

    OMG, I would HATE it if someone type a love letter up and print it THEN snail mail it...
  19. [mJ9]

    [mJ9] Well-Known Member

    0's more original and maybe romantic and your handwriting describes how caring you write his usal handwritting)
  20. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Somehow I know that this will be the answer. Great that I have good handwriting :D