lol, just wondering.. all the names on the list. Do you lot actually know each other in person... or just some.
LOL. right i cic. but do you actaully like talk to them, like actaully friends? lol. or just they in your school thats it.
OK OK i aint bothered in goinmg through the post so tell me whos coming so i can add onto the list and can you also add me on msn: so that we can discuss further details of the meeting ^^
yea, we all chat inits..prolly not as much as with phoenixgal cos shes stil in yr 11 and the rest of us are sixth form...
sorry for this late news, bt i dnt think i can come 2 the meetin...go under "Rant Forum" to see this...
-_____- i'm a guy.. i wanted to do my SN as 'ace' or 'ac3' but they were taken so i added the "x"s ...-___- haii.. lol