Celebraties wearing the same fashion

Discussion in 'Health, Beauty, and Fashion' started by Maverick, Jun 14, 2007.


If somebody is wearing the exactly the same fashion. What will you think?

  1. You copied me!!!

  2. Oh my, you must be my twin!!!

  3. I dunno and I don't care

  1. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Suppose you are at a big party and you see somebody wear the exact fashion.
    What would you think?














  2. Loreen66

    Loreen66 Well-Known Member

    I don't care much as long as I look good/cuter in them ^_^ !
  3. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Are you sure. Just imagine you are at a big prom and they are looking for the Prom Queen ...
  4. Loreen66

    Loreen66 Well-Known Member

    It happened to me twice during an event. It wasn't a big deal because we joked about it. I guess it depends on the situation than >.>!
  5. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    Didn't it happen to Barbara Bush and someone and she went to change her dress?
  6. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    There are sooo many beautiful women out there, Why!!! WHY!!! do you need to mention her -shock NIGHTMARE!!!
  7. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Don't care, as long I look pretty in it haha! Just laugh about it, life is too short to get pissed about that.
  8. chickenutbread

    chickenutbread Well-Known Member


    in response to this question, i'd probably be very surprised and yes, want to change my clothes. but it would depend on who was wearing it. if i saw 2 other people have the same clothes (not me), i'd just feel sorry for them both that they're clashing.
  9. SugaCutie0

    SugaCutie0 Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, I would not like if that happened to me, but I wouldnt be upset about it though. I'd see if I look better in the dress/outfit than she does, then shrug it off.:p
  10. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Nothing to fret about, I guess I would approach the other girl, and hang out with her for the rest of the party... Hahaha :p
  11. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Meh, I KNOW I look better than the other person, so it doesn't matter who copied whom... as long as you are the prettier one -devil
  12. PhY pHy

    PhY pHy Well-Known Member

    I dunt care as long as the acessories are different
    and hair style and of course if i wear it better than
    that gurl then that would be a bonus...but i doubt
    it..im too short...lol
  13. -Tisken-

    -Tisken- Well-Known Member

    i would say to the person, who wears exactly the sme fashion:
    "man, u have style! love u lol"
  14. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    its just embarrassing if you and another person are wearing say the exact same t-shirt or top...
  15. kapo123

    kapo123 Member

    it's all about who ,LOOks better in teh dress or clothing...
  16. Jamien

    Jamien Well-Known Member

    I'd probably tell her,"You have good taste babe, nice to meet you". I don't mind us looking like twins. hehe... And it WOULD be an added bonus if I look better in it.
  17. pinklashbling

    pinklashbling Member

    eh. it depends on the situation. if is like a girl i dislike, then i'll be mad, but then hey wouldnt matter if I look better. otherwise, whatever... i still look better :D
  18. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    i don't know why .. she just popped into mind as one of the famous people. i guess the point is ... you can't escape it even if you are the first lady
  19. honkiebonkie

    honkiebonkie Well-Known Member

    don't really mind. But sucked in to those :p wearing the same clothing. i personally wouldn't mind
  20. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Like in your avvy ... tight ;)

    But suppose the boyzz are all attracted by her and not you, despite the same dress? -unsure

    Hmmm ... you just gave yourself a big compliment :D