reasonable? trading Kobe away isn't even reasonable to begin with... the Lakers need a star... Los Angeles needs a star besides Beckham... Shawn Marion can't fill that role... Kobe is bringing the cash flow in... instead of the Lakers being limp ass about it, they should pay up the wazoo for Jason Kidd or KG... give Kobe some help, not deal ur playoff hope away...
Kobe just needs some help, he doesn't need to be traded and even if he did definately not to the Suns the Suns are good the way they are. Kobe wouldn't fit in that team
If Kobe is traded off from the LA Lakers, I dont think the Lakers will make it to the playoffs next season....that is unless they trade him with a lot of other pro players...Lakers without Kobe is simply just bad I think...
First off, Kobe ROCKS! All he needs is a supporting class that compliments his game. As for him ball hogging...what can he do? pass to butter finger Kwame? TT
The only reason he ball hogs is because his team isn't of any support. If the team could shoot, he would pass more often. As you saw in the Playoff game, He was passing the first 2 games i think or maybe 3 until he got fed up and just took the role as a ballhogger again
Ummm...Odom can play. But I see Odom pass the ball to him more than he pass the ball to Odom. Anyway I think he will stay. Lakers will not let him go yet.
I hope he will learn from Michael Jordan............ because Jordan started a dynasty with bunch of unknown players............. just like what SPURS are doing now....................
I can't see the Lakers trading him cause no ones dumb enough to gut the team to get this guy and the lakers aren't going to trade such an asset for less than 2 starter players, a prospect and a draft pick.
Well Kobe hogs the ball cause no one else does anything. He did try to attempt to get his team involved, but they just played bad when he did. It probably would be hard to trade away Kobe, they're gonna want a lot for him and I don't think teams would be too willing to give up that much. Maybe Dirk for Kobe, but that would keep Kobe in West and I think they would want him in East if anything. And no I don't like Kobe, I hate him, but this is what I think.
i'm prety sure i saw somewhere that kobe was going to be traded to the bulls... but who knows. he'll be good anywhere. as long as he starts passing
he at his prime right now...need to get some rings..before he goes down hill..............time is ticking on him
...unknown? scottie pippen was indeed very well known. he was a noted defensive power forward who stepped back for MJ, and for the good of the team. dennis rodman, before his days in chicago, was the beast of the boards. he was the KING of rebounds back then. that's why the bulls wanted him, despite his temper. and with the spurs, they started their legacy off with BOTH tim duncan and david robinson, who was a superstar in his own right back then. two power forwards right there. malik rose was on the spurs before duncan even came along, and was the bruce bowen-type defensive specialist of his day.
kobe bryant should leave. Hes been there for too long, he should move forward, as this organization can not bring him to where he needs to be.