lol i serv most of those plates every night at work...its fun to be chinese and work in a viet restaurent Why dont I see any sizzling plates or ''bun'' plates?
chooootoooooo mate!!! there is no evil coming out... -innocent i m just tryin to make a point that u r a cannibal lol
Cannibal eats people, unfortunately i'm not a cannibal yet but soon ,after you make those yun yuk cha sieu bao and cakes. muhahahahahaha-devil-devil-devil
Voices instead Aishu's head: But Evil is Cool and Good is Geek stuff, you want to be evil........yes...........evil is freaking awesome!!! Evil-Kawaii!!!!!!!!!
Never!!! the light will shine... the clouds will clear... n there will light n hope again... ahhhh!!!!!
hehehe -blush2 dont be... -hug hug ehhee n please get my name rite.. cant u read? its AISHITERU... short AISHI.. not AISHU i m not wushu or mushu !!! get it rite hehehe <-----now me being evil.... hehehehe hmmm its quite fun ehehhe
ok ok ... only u can call me aishu ok? heheh -blush cos u r special... -inlove ehhehehe @drey.... hmmm well u made a point... aishi's--->my angelic side aishu's gonna be my evil side ehehhe