Please vote No, my dear friends. -cry2 I would appreciate it so much... I'd be so thankful if you vote 'no'. You'll forever be listed as my good buddies...
lol i think the other thread is gonna get 30 votes soon, ud better hit up a beauty salon and a pro photographer quick, im expecting big things
aishiteru4's topic has better persuasion techniques. Maybe you should write something to persuade members to vote no.
Well, avvies and internet have a function, to become anonymous. So me helping Brain protect her identity, NO and NO
-doh Eh what the hek. I'm beginning to feel bad since you're being pressured into this. (Hope the other thread maker doesn't sees this -sweat)
Thank you Loreen.. your my gal -kiss1 Lol, that's how evil rocks.. we stick for each other.. For that, Imma update my story now, if u want
well if it was to hide her identity to be anonymous.. then most of u wouldnt have seen her picture (history) back!!! hmmph that was not hidding!!! FOS! no loreeen!!! be on my side!! u werent suppose to vote no!! u all betrayed me!! n hey its unfair... double votin is unfair!!! i didnt have double votin!!! my voting system--->everyone could only vote once!!! hmmph cheater!! n btw loreen.. i didnt trick her into this.. she said it herself.. she said.. she'll do it if i get 30 votes... well indirectly.. she was just being mean... she was underestimating me cos she thinks of me as a lowly minion of hers... T-T sobsss how can u... sobs.... -cry yeah!!! i love u knock!!! u r the best hehehe u should vote for me!!! vote yes tisken.. oh cutie tisken... darling tisken.. vote for yes !! please go to.. and click yes... ^^ i'll forever be grateful to u might even give u a suprise for it -chef
aiks.. NaS!!! u thingy!!! voting a no means u cancel a yes!! which meant u didnt vote at all!!! u dum dum
Thank you for voting 'NO' guys.. muahaha Wait till my Evil twin, the Devil and my minion are here.. they would vote NO's too. lol