*HELP!* Pls vote No!

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by BabyRain, Jun 17, 2007.


BabyRain to post a picture of her ugly self on PA

  1. No ; I would like to keep my appetite, thank you!

  2. No ; I have had enough of Ringu

  3. Yes: I WANT TO SEE IT! *mwahaha evil grin, abuses admin powa* lol

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Please vote No, my dear friends. -cry2

    I would appreciate it so much...
    I'd be so thankful if you vote 'no'. You'll forever be listed as my good buddies...
  2. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol i think the other thread is gonna get 30 votes soon, ud better hit up a beauty salon and a pro photographer quick, im expecting big things
  3. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    the rebuttal.....hahah
  4. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    aishiteru4's topic has better persuasion techniques. Maybe you should write something to persuade members to vote no.
  5. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Well, avvies and internet have a function, to become anonymous.
    So me helping Brain protect her identity, NO and NO
  6. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Oh, thank you Mav.. you are a true friend -hug -kiss1
  7. Loreen66

    Loreen66 Well-Known Member

    -doh Eh what the hek. I'm beginning to feel bad since you're being pressured into this.

    (Hope the other thread maker doesn't sees this -sweat)
  8. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

  9. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    At the moment:

    No: 6
    Yes: 8

    I think I will vote no to balance it.
  10. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Thank you Loreen.. your my gal -kiss1

    Lol, that's how evil rocks.. we stick for each other..
    For that, Imma update my story now, if u want :p
  11. -Tisken-

    -Tisken- Well-Known Member

    lol what a vote ...
  12. aishiteru4

    aishiteru4 Well-Known Member

    well if it was to hide her identity to be anonymous.. then most of u wouldnt have seen her picture (history) back!!! hmmph that was not hidding!!! FOS!

    no loreeen!!! be on my side!! u werent suppose to vote no!! u all betrayed me!! n hey its unfair... double votin is unfair!!! i didnt have double votin!!! my voting system--->everyone could only vote once!!! hmmph cheater!!
    n btw loreen.. i didnt trick her into this.. she said it herself.. she said.. she'll do it if i get 30 votes... well indirectly.. she was just being mean... she was underestimating me cos she thinks of me as a lowly minion of hers... T-T sobsss how can u... sobs.... -cry

    yeah!!! i love u knock!!! u r the best hehehe

    u should vote for me!!! vote yes tisken.. oh cutie tisken... darling tisken.. vote for yes !!
    please go to.. http://www.dramasian.com/forum/showthread.php?t=18382 and click yes... ^^
    i'll forever be grateful to u ;) might even give u a suprise for it ;)-chef
  13. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Hmmm ... it almost looks like the President Elections -bigsmile
    Okay, who is Mr Bush -evil
  14. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    LOL, wicked Aishiteru trying to advertise in my thread! :p
  15. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    That is what they do during elections too :D
  16. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    Putting a no here would increase Aishu's rage...........i will do it muhahahahaha
  17. aishiteru4

    aishiteru4 Well-Known Member

    aiks.. NaS!!! u thingy!!! voting a no means u cancel a yes!! which meant u didnt vote at all!!! u dum dum
  18. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    I'm the smart one. I didn't vote on the yes topic yet.
  19. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Thank you for voting 'NO' guys.. muahaha
    Wait till my Evil twin, the Devil and my minion are here.. they would vote NO's too. lol
  20. shouldn't u combine the 1 polls??
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