Parents vs boyfriend/girlfriend

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by ftann, Jun 17, 2007.

  1. ftann

    ftann Well-Known Member

    Ever get the feeling where your parents and your bf/gf disagree and you feel stuck in the middle? Whether it be your parents telling you not to date till you graduate from college or your bf/gf wants you to do one thing and your parents want you to do the opposite, which side to choose? No matter which side I choose, it's a lose lose situation. Sucks... -dead
  2. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    i dotn like meeting parentss
  3. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    I'm basically afraid of meeting parents...
  4. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    If you are still studying be it college or high school and receiving allowance from your parents, etc. I guess you have no choice but to listen to your parents :p
    What you can do is put your relationship on hold while you concentrate on your studies.
    You can still keep in touch with your bf/gf secretly but not as often of course.
    Once you got your independence and are able to make a living for yourself, then you can have a proper talk with your parents and tell them the truth that you want to be with your bf/gf :p

    And what's this about meeting parents?! You two are offtopic! -spam
  5. subaru3169

    subaru3169 Well-Known Member

    just repeat what you learn in school and all parents will like you lor heh
  6. pinkapples

    pinkapples Well-Known Member

    I haven't had a relationship before, so I won't really know. But, I've always been put in the situation where auntie and uncles say they would like me to be their daughter in law and that is hell yeah awkward and scary......But, to answer ur thread I guess it takes time for parents to know a person and sometimes parents have the best and most accurate gut feeling -sweat Hate to admit that but from wat i've observed i have to admit to that.....
  7. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    @ OP, have you tried to figure out a situation of compromise? There are certain situations where compromises cannot be reached, however, there are times when it can be done. You can try by talking about the reason of disagreement to both parties and then it might reach to a win-win solution.
  8. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    wind, psychologist by day, PA forum browser by night.
  9. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    whoa, they still do that, cousins marrying each other. that's wrong.......
  10. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    Many of my friends' have this kind of problem. They end up having an underground relationship.
  11. dreyvii

    dreyvii Well-Known Member

    I dunno, depends on what's my take on the situation. I'm the kind who'd side whichever party I feel is right...yeah, I'm a little stubborn and it's hard to change my point of view sometimes.
  12. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    Parents would pressure their children by saying things like "you only have 1 set of parents" and "you can always find another girlfriend/boyfriend."
  13. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Want to be my patient fearless? -devil
  14. pinkapples

    pinkapples Well-Known Member

    Nah not cousin crap man...Thats just wrong too...What i meant by aunties and uncles are my parent's friends...Hehehehe.....sorry that i've misleaded ya -lol
  15. subaru3169

    subaru3169 Well-Known Member

  16. shyyun83

    shyyun83 Active Member

    parents, of course...they foot your uni/ college bills (and EVERYTHING)'s not worth for disobeying your parents for the boyfriend/ girlfriend....put yourself into their shoes...and u'll understand why they stop you from doing this and that...
  17. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I know many may take the route of "love conquers all", yet I am one of those who steer my boat with logic and reason... If it is just a normal argument, I won't agree with either party JUST BECAUSE they are my parents or my boyfriend (for the sake of agreeing), I will agree with whoever I think is right.

    However, in the situation where the parents forbid you from dating until you finish college or whatnot, I would say listen to them unless you are financially independent and able to finish the degree without any help from them.

    I won't be as stupid and melodramatic as to disown myself from my family just because of infatuation with some random guy...
  18. pinkapples

    pinkapples Well-Known Member

    I totally agree....I always put myself in my parent's shoes and it ain't easy being a parent and it would be sad if my kids that i've brought up for more than a decade would disown me for a person they've known for a year or 2....I think partners that are considerate would take time to prove to that they are good enough and not force their partners to choose between him/her and parents.-_-2
  19. dreyvii

    dreyvii Well-Known Member

    Yup...totally agree with you. My parents are those who forbid me from being in a relationship til I've finished high school, the reason being it'd affect my studies. But I did have one behind their backs though, and I did even better than I'd ever done before, just in case they found out, I'd have results to back me up. Heheh. But then again, they never found out...and now they're regretting they came up with such a rule, cos I'm at the ripe old age where they think I should be having a relationship, but I'm still single! Hehe...
  20. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    LOL, there's the type who will work extra hard at school JUST IN CASE parents find out about the secret relationship going on... But more than often there are people who just decided that they should spend days and nights doing nothing but holding hands with their new found boyfriend/girlfriend... And they are the sad majority which gave relationship during school a bad name -nono