we interpret religion in our own ways as we become exposed to the world and new experiences...so essentially...each person has their own personalized religion in a sense or their own personalized belief....
i was raised a buddhist and always will be a buddhist, i find it hard to be a atheist, like i see being religious, as not like being very involved, or like being very strict, but just having some sort of beliefs, but like i said i find it very hard to be a atheist and im not very religious at all
don't have one. i remember when i was a kid i learned about religion in school so i ran home and asked what my religion was. my dad told me to spend more power believing in myself than in a being that no one can prove exists.
Religion is a very personal matter. Every Saturday, on Christian Radio, Premier(you can search on Google) they have a slot where guests of other faiths or belief system come and have a discussion with a person of the Christian faith. It's interesting to listen as they share their viewpoints. As a follower of Jesus, I encourage you to listen in and you can decide for yourself.Amen.
I'm Christian. I've always been taught that I should convert people to "save" them, but I don't believe in forcing a religion on someone.
Good for you gal! That's the kind of mentality we all should have irregardless of what religion you believe in. Preachers should burn in Hell lol Anyway, why don't you drop by at my Analysis on Every Religion/Belief thread and make some posts there. You seem to be the kind of open-minded Christians that we welcome.
I don't have any. I'm ok when people expresses their religion, but I don't like it when they go overboard with it or do the opposite of what they preach.
I'm Christian but is Buddihism really a religion? Though it was more just a way of living a spiritual life and such....??