pedophiles and internet

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Lilydream, Jun 18, 2007.

  1. Lilydream

    Lilydream Well-Known Member

    source: or,,2-2007280151,00.html
  2. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    glad he got caught, these kinda people are the lowest of the low

    i just realised how much 75,000 pictures are... i havent even got 5000
  3. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Those people should definitely stay in jail and rot there.
  4. U havent got 5000 pics of what kind -huh
    Yup heard this on the radio...
    People are gettin more bin tai >.<
  5. kakenx

    kakenx Well-Known Member

    sick ppl... sick sick ppl.... man that's a lot of charges.. I wonder why ppl have that kinda sickness in their heads.. i dont really think pedophilia is a genetic disorder.. guess it's how they grew up.
  6. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    ^ i think porn industry shld share the blame! porn these days are featuring younger and younger women. or at least they try to portray that. and these people just don't know where to draw the line. how young is young? it's all subjective.
  7. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Somehow this reponse about subjective sounds weird to me.-what?
  8. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^ well if they're 18 thats legal according to the law, but it's not really the porn industries fault, its the one who watches the porn that should feel the awkwardness...........
  9. Denomic

    Denomic Well-Known Member

    NAS has a point.. It is all based on supply and demand. There's a demand for it so there's people who are willing to supply it for a price. What ever happened to parents spending quality time with their kids so that they don't end up twisted?
  10. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    hehe .. gone are the days of family activities. don't be blaming parents now

    i guess i shld define what i meant ... how young is young? with the porn getting younger and young (or at least the portrayal), some minds are no longer able to separate the wrong young and the right young. the right young will be 18 yrs old girls; coz then they are able to make decisions about they are doing. but some are going for the wrong young (ie <18 yrs old) and these are pedophiles and nut jobs!
  11. Lilydream

    Lilydream Well-Known Member

    i think it's not only parents and porn industry that should be blame in this world..but this is the society in which you live that make people who they are....people always try to reach something that they don't have or's like pedophiles, if you study them, you will see that for us is something wrong and nasty, for them it's something totally natural and this is another way to love child ( i know that's just sick to think like that)...there is no excuse to steal a life of a child like that...but this is a really good thing to see that some ppl are working to make these sort of ppl in the jail ..and hope it won't be the last one..and maybe the world will change and the sexual tourism will disappear?
  12. Denomic

    Denomic Well-Known Member

    I'm not putting the complete blame on parents, but they need to take responsibilities for what their children become. I partly blame society. Society have made it so that 2 incomes are needed just enough to be broke! People used to mortgage their homes for 20 - 30 years.. I hear about mortgages lasting up to 50 years now! BTW, did you know that mortgage means Death Grip? (Mort = Death and Gage = Grip in Latin.. or at least that is what I remember my friend telling me..)

    Family activities are still possible, the question is that do you do enough "family activities" when the child is still young. Children now-a-days spend more time in the daycare than at home with family. To top it off, some families do spend time together, but is it "quality" time or is it just "time" spent?

    A lot of families don't believe in beating their child. I agree, there is a fine line between Child Abuse and Discipline, but sending you kid off to their room or not allowing them to go out just doesn't work anymore! Kids these days have a TV, XBox, Computer, PS2, Phone, cell phone, etc in their rooms so "grounding" them no longer means squat.
  13. mingming2006

    mingming2006 Well-Known Member

    im gona be gettin me children to learn kung fu when they are 1 lol, to avoid anythin like this in the future...
  14. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    There is a difference between porn and child porn. Lets get that clear now.
  16. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    yes let that bastard ROT in jail
  17. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    5,000 pics of child porn is still quite a bit, you should be ashamed of yourself.
  18. Supra

    Supra Well-Known Member

    What a bunch of sick freaks. lock em up forever for good.
  19. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    dang people these day are turning more and more bin tai i mean seriously , those people should just wrought in jail for what their thinking about at the moment... its totally disgusting
  20. honkiebonkie

    honkiebonkie Well-Known Member

    some parents worry too much about money. i'm not talking about those who genuinely are struggling to survive. but those who are doing ok, but over prioritising money over spending time with their children / family