Considered fat by HK standards

Discussion in 'Health, Beauty, and Fashion' started by smallrinilady, Jun 12, 2007.

  1. Loreen66

    Loreen66 Well-Known Member

    I'm wondering if an "XS" or a size "3" considered big over there than -unsure
  2. BBT

    BBT Member

    I'm sure many of you guys probably have friends / cousins in HK?
    Haven't you guys talked to them and/or just notice how they look? annything?

    I was in HK too short of a period time and it was so short I didn't see any of my "cousins". But then again, I don't really know them except that we're related.
  3. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    -shock No wonder I had to buy a L size for my cheongsam in China.. lol
  4. ckthepilot

    ckthepilot Well-Known Member

    phy phy doing crunches and pushups... lol funny image :p
  5. sean222

    sean222 Well-Known Member

    lol chiense ppl are small, NA ppl get all the nutrients they need, so thats why they think we are fat, but instead we are more some ways.....
  6. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Money is apparently more important than their customers health. :(

    And a Small in China means the size of a toddler in Ethiopia...-sweat

    ....and I didn't fit in an XXXL China blouse...

    My best friend wanted a Cheongsam too and they gave her a Large and still have to change several parts of the dress before she fits in.
  7. subaru3169

    subaru3169 Well-Known Member

    i think i'm above average size for a chinese guy.. but if i wear big clothes, i don't think anyone can notice.. like sweater.. i think anybody in america follow a pattern, which is eat more.. and most of the american food is fat anyway
  8. honkiebonkie

    honkiebonkie Well-Known Member

    there was a comment about hk girls being skinny but flabby at the same time......that turns me off

    that's just tellimg me they don't do much exercise and starve themselves to lose the weight, but all they are losing is good muscle tissue
  9. subaru3169

    subaru3169 Well-Known Member

    ^^^ya.. unhealthy is not good lor.. and you can tell a lot by a person if they do that
  10. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    Man, the more I try to lose weight, the more I'm actually gaining
    I'm exsercising and developing muscles
    so the scale is going up
    and my guy keeps making fun of me becuase of it

    man, when i feel my stomach i dont feel that much fat
    but i'm all bloaty i guess
    so i'm like 33

    although living in the US the people still think i'm skinny
    unfortunatly i only hang around HK people, so i still feel extrememly fat

    SEEE i'm telling you people, height is all genetics
  11. honkiebonkie

    honkiebonkie Well-Known Member

    Well, muscles actually weigh more than fatty tissue. IF you don't want to develop bigger muscles, then don't use only light weights in the gym and do more repetitions. Also watch you diet: don't eat too much proteins, esp. soon after a work out. And really, its a misconception that working out ur tummy (ie. directly) makes u skinniner there. Nope, u must lose overall body fat, which means u need an overall body workout, including cardio and weights training.
  12. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    i don't use any weights

    i've been swimming, running, and jump rope

    if you limit the amount of protein, muscle development will decrease a lot?
    makes sense
    but hmmmmm
  13. SugaCutie0

    SugaCutie0 Well-Known Member

    That's really not surprising, lol they are in the clothing business to make money, so as long as everyone is supposedly happy, it doesnt matter to em.
    "a small in China means the size of a toddler in Ethiopia?" Is that factual??
  14. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    ^, not factual. That was just part of my rant. -blush
  15. honkiebonkie

    honkiebonkie Well-Known Member

    i think those are pretty good sports to lose weight in, swiming is good cos there is little impact on the body, esp. the joints,

    running is really good for abs believe it or not....u need strong abs inorder to run properly. if ur runing go for long distance rather than sprints to lose fat, and u prob should raise ur heart rate to 130-150 region to lose fat. Running too much can be straining on ur knees and ur anckles so make sure u wear proper shoes that fit well and suit ur foot type. Also, gradually increase ur running load cos ur body needs to get used to it. A misconception (esp amongst asians) about running is that it makes ur legs thicker or might if you are sprinitng a lot or climbing uphill all the time, but runing is a cardiovascular exercise and generally u will lose body fat all over. You will get those thick legs if you do not watch what you eat. Either that or u sit too long too often and u will get a big but too.
  16. dreyvii

    dreyvii Well-Known Member

    We have the same predicament! Haha...I finally found someone who understands how I feel (I think). I look like a pumpkin! My head is too small for my body...and I've got a heavy top and big hips. But my limbs are relatively I look very unbalanced! Being in HK is a pain when you see all the XXS showing off their washboard abs! lucky devil! At least you're a European small...I'm a European XL! Heheh. Everytime I'm in HK, I'd be really tempted by their sales, but nothing fits me, unless I go into stores like Marks and Spencer. Even there, I sometimes find it difficult, cos they have certain clothes scaled down to fit asian sizes.
  17. yongxlin

    yongxlin Well-Known Member

    I visited HK last year and a majority of the females I saw were very skinny (unhealthy skinny). I'm a size 8/medium but I felt huge and uneasy a lot of times. Like when I went shopping I had to get a size XXL???
  18. SugaCutie0

    SugaCutie0 Well-Known Member

    >.< I see..-lol
  19. honkiebonkie

    honkiebonkie Well-Known Member

    talking about feeling big in HK, i feel the same way, except that i don't have much trouble finding the right sized clothes. When I'm around my friends in HK and other ppl aswell, I felt like I was some huge muscle bound hulk!-bigsmile [okay slight exageration there, but know wot i mean] Lol
  20. happii

    happii Well-Known Member

    Hong Kong people are weirdo they like people that weight from 35-40kg which is really bad n really unhealthy