Watch a news similar to this. Goes on to prove that no matter the differences, friends will be friends. -^_^
Ow gossh.. so cute ^^ I think that the duck thinks that the dog is his/her mommy or something.. ` haw cutie ah~~ -^_^
soooo cute!! that puppy is very smart.. he is waiting for the duck to become bigger so he can eat.. dogs always hungry la kekekke
-lol awwwwww? that was soo cute...T.T the duckling kept following the they were both soo adorable...
judging by the 'kekekeke' you are a chick... no self respecting guy would type that.. now that i know your gender the stalking can begin -rockon lol
looks cute!! that puppy must have been around when that egg hached...and the baby duck saw his/her 'mum'
reminds me of a story recently where tiger cubs were originally being fed some animals, i think a bunch of ducks, to increase he's rage (eating raw meat does that supposedly) but instead, they just started chilling together peacefully. Sweet!!!