Has anyone come across this horrible virus before? I keep on getting these shity popups from registrycleanerxp.com. It keeps on saying that my registry is corrupted. Damn Im sure its not! I have removed my operating system and reinstalled it, but its not working. i have norton and mccafee, latest versions, however doesnt seem to work properly. My other computer is infected with this virus too. -dead some one help?
if u do a clean install.... remov everything it should get rid of it.. or u can try adaware and spybot.... get the updates and do a scan
find a forum such as 'Tech Support Guy', and download hijackthis. it searches for all the registry in your computer and fiels that are being processed by your cpu, post the info on the forum and the guy will tell you what to do.... i had a chinese virus that caused multiple popups and gave my symantec 200+ virus detected lol...but this guy saved me! lol
thanks ppl! I have spybot, but i dont thinks its thats useful. I managed to block the popup by disabling the windows msg, not sure if i have removed it all though. By this seems to be working fine. sigh~
if u ever remove u gotta do a full format, no quick format. quick format just cuts off the directorys but full format writes 0's or 1's to make the disc blank again. Dont ever install registry cleaner etc. They never work. Just always watch waht you're downloading and have some sense as to what programs are caleld what so you know what is suspicious. edit: also, u can ctrl-alt-del, and check task manager and see if any suspicious .exe is running.
yeah usually i just check the processes running then type the suspicious ones into google, and it'll tell u whether its a spyware/virus wateva then remove it accordingly =) else just buy a new hdd =) hehehe
Don't know how i missed this. Good recommendations posted. To add to it: -Adaware-install and run -Do not run multiple antivirus packages. They wil conflict with each other. -Run spybot and adaware in safe mode. -Also look into SpywareBlaster and Webroot Spysweeper. -Get a program called Process Explorer (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysinternals/utilities/ProcessExplorer.mspx) It will show all process running and the application currently associated with that process. -Download and run CCleaner. That should give you a good start for now. Keep us posted. Knoc
just backup your files and do a clean install, one of my friends had this problem, tried every registry cleaning or anti-virus programs doesn't work..... do you have recovery discs or something for your computer, that might work too.. Worst case scenario: NEW HD
^ Seriously if you "removed" your os and reinstalled it how can the problem persist, unless your os disc was infected or something lol
hmph...unless it was a quick format like nunu suggested..and this thing could possibly be a rootkit...hmph...but it all depends on how exactly the system got infected....xhikarux...when did this first start..what were you doing?
lol thats hilarious, i'd say u shd have some recovery cd's or a recovery DVD which would help re-install back everythin since the 1st time u bought it or somethin...or get some1 to change ur OS, like upgradin it to XP/ Vista if ur stil usin 2000 lol.. other than that, use adaware like Knoc_turnal, its pretty gd 2 be honest since i use it quite often...if ur usin nortons, use the full program - norton internet sec 2007 n hav the latest updates installed n scanned... n watch out for those annoyin pop-ups again, get a pop-up blocker from google or yahoo, which is gd....
googles your friend heres a site that may help http://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index.php?qid=20070524064056AAm4HFL it seems everyone is saying disable the messenger service (which you did) and it solves the problem, but i suggest like others, if you want to get rid of it permanently, reformat and reinstall OS
^yeh disabling the msg service worked for him, but for me, its like sweeping it under a rug, its not really gone, which would bug the hell out of me -lol