Lose Weight Thread (Before and After)

Discussion in 'Health, Beauty, and Fashion' started by MadeinChina, Jun 21, 2007.

  1. MadeinChina

    MadeinChina Well-Known Member

    Ever since I was in college, all I knew was study, play games and eat buffet with friends everyday. Lack of Exercises made me fat and then later on, I could not even look at myself in the mirror due to how hidious I looked. I've gained over 60lbs because I didn't care about my body and it was mickey d's in the morning, burger king in the afternoon and night. French Fries with salt up the roof, 3 large coffee with 6 packs of sugar each. I've tried to workout and go on a diet many times, but when I saw lack of results... I've given up and also because I was working and going to school which provided me with not much time to workout.
    #1 MadeinChina, Jun 21, 2007
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2007
  2. subaru3169

    subaru3169 Well-Known Member

    looks like you did pretty well
  3. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    That's determination man, half a year only, can't ever eat right, won't try to lol. you take protein shakes or protein bars man?
  4. MadeinChina

    MadeinChina Well-Known Member

    thanks, the saying of no pain, no gain. can never be so much truer words. I made a lot of sacrifices and made time for my workout and weight loss. Was it worth it? yes. It's like farmers growing their crops and at the end of the year getting rice warms their heart. :)
  5. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    Why do I think you look better when you were 190lbs.

    *nevermind. probably because of your messy hairstyle in the 2nd pic.
  6. MadeinChina

    MadeinChina Well-Known Member

    no protein bars, sometimes I take protein shake before I go to the gym. But I try not to because I want to eat healthy, ex. steamed fish, chicken, vegies, fruits, etc. I just break my meals into more meals but smaller portions. Sleep early and wake up early instead of being an owl at night, workout properly does make a big difference, a lot of people never really workout properly and their results are slow. Cardio is the best at losing weight, or swimming but of course if you want to gain muscles, you can't do too much cardio a day because it'll burn out your muscles. I'm trying to get my new 6 pack instead of the fat packs right now and it's also about consistancy. Can't slack off a week after working out, drink lots of water. and etc.
  7. kevinliu12

    kevinliu12 Active Member

    you should post a picture of your body, not just your face. it would motivate others to do what you did.
  8. MadeinChina

    MadeinChina Well-Known Member

    umm... I don't think people would wanna see my old body >_> might gross them out.
  9. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    Looks like its time for me to lose weight too. Getting fat now.
  10. MadeinChina

    MadeinChina Well-Known Member

    here's a pic of my body from last month when I was in china. I need to take a new pic for this month.
    #10 MadeinChina, Jun 21, 2007
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2007
  11. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    how you make your shakes man, with fruits or eggs?
  12. MadeinChina

    MadeinChina Well-Known Member

    if I make one, I usually put some lowfat milk, banana and maybe strawberry with the protein mix w some ice. but of course, sometimes I just drink it straight up by itself.

    eggs, I do them separately. I'd boil a dozen eggs and eat the egg white only.
  13. kevinliu12

    kevinliu12 Active Member

    nice job. how much can you bench?
  14. MadeinChina

    MadeinChina Well-Known Member

    I'm benching light weights with more reps. trying to get cut.

    However...if you are asking on what's the maximum weight I can bench, then 280lbs with arms. Leg press 750lbs.
  15. That's awesome! I'm at 150 now, and I have been lazy for a whole yr after returning from London. I've been eating a lot too because London was extremely expensive, and I stopped exercising. I want to get in shape but I have no motivators. I want someone to workout with me, but my friends are unwilling and I don't know where to start. What daily routine would you recommend me to shape up a bit?
  16. MadeinChina

    MadeinChina Well-Known Member

    To have people that are willing to go to the gym with you will give you a lot of motivation, but however, if they don't want to go. Get to know some people in the gym or even trainers, because what they do or say may motivate you without knowing.

    To start off with, depending on what type of goal you want to reach. Write it down so you can remind yourself everyday.

    if you just want to lose weight, that's pretty easy thing to do especially you are only 150. Do cardio workouts such as elliptical machines, treadmills, jumpropes, etc. Some ab works. Don't eat fast food, don't eat chinese food, eat fresh vegies, cook if you know how to and make steamed fish. Buy the grilled chicken from supermarkets. Fruits but not like grapes or anytype that have a lot of glucose. Avoid too much sodium and you should be able to see results pretty quick.

    The Key though, is motivation and consistency. Can't slack off or eat junk food here and there, go to the gym but don't just go there a week and rest for a week. at least 3-4 times a week. Hope this helps.
  17. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    hmmm. that's good!.

    that's like 3 plates on each side, and from the pic, u look like 5. 7' Impressive benching.

    U ever get injured though? looks like u going heavy, plus how long you have been on the program to lose 60 lbs...my bad , u said 6 months

    hmm...10 lbs per month, 2.5 week...you cut ur calories by 9k each week progressively!!!!

    Trying to get cut too....doing some exercise to failure now...but not all...
  18. MadeinChina

    MadeinChina Well-Known Member

    you are right, I'm 5'7. But I don't weight lift heavy weights anymore, I actually do lighter weight. But what I'm saying is that I could lift that much. I try to keep my calorie intake from 700-1200.
  19. SugaCutie0

    SugaCutie0 Well-Known Member

    Whaaa, thats sooo impressive! Keep it up, I hope you reach your goal. What you said was right, it takes real commitment to lose the weight, you cant be sporadic about it.
  20. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Yeah, post pics of your body too... -lol Your old pic, from your face, can't really tell much difference...
    Me wanna see.