I will be making more but as they are pieces or art rather than magic tricks I have chosen to auction her. As with most art, the piece is only worth as much as somebody is willing to pay for it hence the auction. I could keep her but there are more where she came from and it’s about time somebody else enjoyed her company. Here's the link - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI....MESE:IT&viewitem=&item=150107258059&rd=1&rd=1 As a mummified fairy has never been listed on eBay before it will be interesting to see what she makes! Even if you don’t bid it will be an interesting 7 days to see what she makes. The proceeds will go towards setting up the new website www.SecretOfTheHollowHills.co.uk which will document the full fairy story and feature new fairy creations and stories from anyone wanting to submit them. You’ll also be able to order fairies from me. I just hope she makes enough to cover my website’s exceeded bandwidth costs! Over 20,000 hits in 24 hours was a shock! Oh well, you live and learn! LOL sounds like a scam to me alright. Trying to auction off that piece of ... ? If it's authentic, i am sure it would be handed over to the museums by now. And that 'ordering fairies' from him... haha just blowed his cover totally.
OMG OMG OMG! -shock It's real! Poor fairy! Probably some criminal youths who caught this poor fairy in Neverland because it forgot to put some money under their pillows in exchange for their teeths.
Hahaha are you kidding me tax.. the Devil trying to be -innocent2 here.. lol If buttercup is -dead the better for us right? muahaha -devil
...you know me too well...-evil I killed that buzzing insect with my yesterday's paper and put it in the oven but I'm a lousy cook so I accidentically let it burn. Shame, could have been a nice meal.
Okay -ann well too bad it ain't her apparently coz I just heard some annoying noise in my head again... <_< telling me to 'be nice' blablabla Oh! The mighty conscience~ -sleep