hahahhaaha.. my other exs were far better looking la.. she was just fwb, but the backstory with her is umm.. shh.. <not suitable for children>
Thanks for that...i was wondering what a nismo was after fearless said he 2 young to know what it is... lol i thought it had something to do with XXX lol caramel*strawberry...u look pretty =)....
10? think bout it i've seen many 14s,15s,16s looks just like me many people in my class is soo much smalller than me
its not about height...u just have bbface =P... how old are u anywayz...u sorta do look really young...like 12ish...and em....i dont think u look fat especially not in these 2pics u just uploaded...!
caramel + strawberry...? dunno if its tasty <_< i think its like you u mix coca cola with ice cream... <_<
you never try those together?? caramel and strawberry is very good la.. and coke plus ice cream is call "coke float".. that is very good too!!-^_^-^_^