EAT EAT EAT ! . SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP .. and so they say ~ =/ isn't it in the genes if yoO're juss naturally skinny? .. i'm actually jealous that yoO're skinny ! =)
go gym la.. muscle is weigh more than fat, plus is look nicer.. even on girls, but just a LITTLE BIT=)
this is what i going to suggest too. When you said u want fat i think you r those skinny type that even eat so much but still can't gain any meat. What i suggest is eat atleast 6time a day, dont eat too much each time, also eat health food(no junk food), sleep atleast 8-10hr.
Lucky you! Well, I'd say the most important thing is to stay healthy. Don't eat unhealthy foods just to gain weight. Maybe you can try modifying your diet. Like have more protein and healthy carbs in your diet. Make sure your calorie intake is more than your usage...exercise will help you to put on weight too...cos you're building muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat.
gaining weight should be a lot easier... things high in sugar (sweets, dessert, umm so good), carbs (rice, pasta, potatoes, bread)... and of course sleep. the best thing is to eat right before you go to bed, you will sure to gain weight.
depends how much you already weigh and how your metabolism is.. my metabolism is very high, so is hard for me to gain weight.. but if i don't eat and don't workout, i will lost weight very fast
I agree with this, i went to hk for a few months and i was eating out every single day, played no sport and i lost 3kgs...when i was trying to gain. Once i started sport and ate properly again...i gained back my weight.
that calls for a diarrhea. too skinny? get on a protein diet and lift weights.... tones muscles and you'lll be feeling more positive... eating all the junk food and just sitting around is not an ultimate solution... in fact coming to a forum to ask for these kind of help tips arent even good... better to see a doc and ask... or go to a gym and ask some trainers... or nutritionist.
do what i do, dont do anything, eat, sleep shit.... sit on computer all day... need to go down the block to get drink, drive. eat 4 meals a day, mcdonald that and last meal being before you sleep, your on your way to being fat!