How to make times goes faster

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by Quadron, Jun 20, 2007.

  1. subaru3169

    subaru3169 Well-Known Member

    so like i said.. what did you do before you meet your gf??
  2. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    how old are you quadron? don't have to reply if you don't wanna though..............
  3. Quadron

    Quadron Member

    like I said before...calling out friedns won't work for me....and even if I did...what are we going to do? go to town?..need money...And I'm kinda broke...but if you guys says you guys can just walkt around..yeah that Would be "really fun" not for them.....and I said...when I didn't had a gf I wasn't thinking so much how I miss someone or got bored so much...I didn't had this kind of "Love feelings" in me when I was singel. do you understand now?....I'm 18 why wonder?...or do you guys think I put to much time on my gf?...guys as you know every person has their way to love their own gf right..their own way to express their feelings...taking care of his girl...some dont put time at all..and you guys think I'm still to young to go so deep into realationship...yeah maybe so..but that's the way I'm taking care of my gf....-flow
  4. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Well Quadron, you are still young, and I can see that this is your first relationship.
    You want to put time into the relationship, it's a good thing I tell you. And no one's stopping you from getting deep into the relationship, in fact I would admire your maturity at this age.

    However, love is not everything. When you grow older, you'd realize there's other things you need to spend time on. Your career for example.

    If you spend too much time in the relationship, it's not a healthy and wise thing to do either. The other party may feel suffocated by your constant clingyness and your need for love 24 hours a day.
    It's true that you have to give some personal space to each other if you want your relationship to stay strong.

    And being in a deep relationship doesn't mean you have to lose your identity and forget about all your other friends. It's about being in a relationship and at the same time, trying to maintain your uniqueness and individuality. So it's a good thing to keep some of your hobbies alive, to stay in touch with your good friends, etc. It's not a matter of 'what to do if my gf is not around?" If you can't even find yourself spending 2 weeks without her, what happens if (touchwood) in the worst situation, your gf breaks up with you? Would you take your own life then?

    I am not saying you have to stop caring about your gf, or stop this 'loving feeling' inside you, I am just saying that you have to have a life of your own, besides being with your gf.

    Anyway, you are 18 and still young, so you'll probably understand what I am saying one day.
    Just some friendly words from me, in case you decide to ponder upon them and not get yourself too attached to the relationship that you might find yourself so hurt one day.
  5. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    go out drinking and not the drunk type just meet friends and hang out
  6. ltzSnowy

    ltzSnowy New Member

  7. move at the speed of light...... no.. thats makes you go back in time....
  8. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    get a job
  9. subaru3169

    subaru3169 Well-Known Member

    wow.. your life is really unbalance then.. you're still very young.. this kind of mindset can maybe block you from starting your career.. if you don't stop, you may need to see a therapist
  10. Quadron

    Quadron Member

    first of all..I just wanna thank you guys for spending so much time to trying to make me wake up....but still by drinkin isnt a good advice...I'm not that kind that drink..I even try several time but I always find it untasty..."not good".. I always image that when I'm out on a bar.with my friends and they are holding beer or something and I hold a cola or fanta-sweat but still getting ajob it's kinda hard for me right now just like suburu told me..that this is blocking me for getting a job..I'm stuck with her...all I can think is this realationshp is making me throw away other things and ignore them and have alla my attention on her...and that's make me feel happy..makes me don't feel lonley anymore...Just let you guys know I HATE being lonley...I know that I have friends..but friends can't be there for you 24/7 and like have all their attetion to you but a gf is two fell inlove cause you love each care for each other right?...when I was singel for 2 years I could't stand it...I found my life living for nothing...doing this for nothjing....and so on..I was tired of my life...just wake start over again...same routine...I was sick of my life...

    And to Babyrain...thank you for trying to open my eyes...but this is sixth realationship...three of them was not that serously..they dump me for 2 weeks or so..and 2 of them was seriouly one.....and this is the sixth....I'm not sayin im "showing off" now..but people find me experience when it comes to realationship problem...friends call me sometimes whenthey feel sad or had a fight with their bf...cause I got" a Biig mouth" like they i talk nonstop so they find better and luagh..and i give them advice what to do...but the my advice...won't work on me...I notice my advice is other but no use ti me sigh...and I know that I should find a hobby or go out with friends...hobby..well I training 5 years in TKD...cause my teacher beeing an ass...but serously I don't like to do anything except being by my gf side..cause I think it's youcould say myy hobby is being with my gf...and I know I should get ajob...but all I just want to do is be with her...and screw the job..I'm kinda lazy.."in my mind" and nO im not a fat person...but if she would leave me...who know like you said I might take my life....I have tried before..with my other ex...when we had a fight..nearly roadkill...when I was crossing over a road..and I just stood I said I don't like my life...and still I haven't find the meaning of my life yet..I still hate it sometimes....and guys still 9 days left...
    still a living hell for me...
  11. Jamien

    Jamien Well-Known Member

    My dear friend, go get a snake or something. Exotic pets don't give off smell and are usually a lot less mess. Since they're not pets that need too much contact, it's perfect for you since you spend so much time on ur gf.

    If you mess up the kitchen, clean it up. It's important because you can train yourself to be responsible enough to clean up after yourself when u marry ur gf (we all hope you do man. ;) ). She'll love and appreciate that. I know I do.

    There's a whole new season of animes just out. Devil may cry anime is already out up to just 2 episodes. Seeders are still really high. Try it. Naruto comes out once in a blue moon man. I watch no less than 16 animes so I would at least have something to watch daily.

    Go out and get some fresh air. Even when you think about her, don't stay cooped up in your house. It's bad for you.

    Don't take alcohol or cigarretes. Try a LITTLE BIT chocolate. It works for girls when we feel down or have mood swing.

    Hobbies are a really good idea. When I was away from my guy for a month, I used up the time devising up plans to knit him his favourite anime model. You won't be so down when you're doing something for that someone you miss.

    Do stuff you can't do with her. Like have boys night out (try not to make a long face and looking heart sick. I heard boys hate hanging with their guys like that. Ruins their fun. Enjoy yourself), go take up a sport or something that you can learn or teach your gf when she's back, have dinner and a nice chat with your family, hang out with your siblings, if you have any lar.

    The gist of it is, I find the missing feeling a lot more bearable when I occupy myself with someone, anyone and try to enjoy myself. When there's no one, I try to do my own things or even better, try to do things that will make my partner happy. Try making her a teddy bear. Even if it's ugly as hell, she'll love it. Love in every stitch, man. It's not hard. You can find lots of patterns and needed items online (regarding bear patterns and items you need to make it).
  12. Jamien

    Jamien Well-Known Member

    PS: If your partner leaves you, then MOST definitely, they're not worth your time and energy. Definitely not something as important as your life and love. Don't kill yourself for a girl. Each partner teaches you different things. Learn from them to make your next gf even happier. God must have a reason for making us able to have heart breaks and heart aches. Think about it.

    And do have more confidence in yourself. I once had a boyfriend who had no confidence and basically hang on to me 24/7 for physical AND emotional reasons. It's all well but it imposes a VERY HUGE emotional stress on your girlfriend. It's ok in the beginning but don't let this condition drag on. The stress will continue to build till she can't take it anymore. My tolerance ran dry after a year. He's the only boyfriend I broke up with who's not a jerk. He learned from it and became better. He wanted to kill himself but decided not to. He showed me he could be better. He's one of the best guys I know.
  13. Quadron

    Quadron Member


    Haha My dear friend jamie I thank you for your kindly advice and funny to..gave me a good laugh there in a good way though don't missunderstand me...but snake isn't my kind I don't like animal from the djungel..haha freaks me outxD...yeah I know I want to watch bleach but naa but I'm thnkin to watch devil beside you since I got nothing to do...

    yeah that's the problem with me I only behave good when I'm with my we do the dishes together..and clean's not that I'm doing this on purpose just to make her see that I'm a good bf. Yeah girl's like that...that guys isn't lazy^^

    Ciggarett I have tried since I was little and didn't end up well ahha was couffing allt he time when I smoke...and naa didnt was my thing...and drinkin same there to..xD don't like the taste after drinking one...and my face turn red fast to..and I don't like that people think I'm already drunk after one bottle when I',m yeah chocolate works for me to I eat a lot "NOTE I*M NOT A FAT GUY" xD haah...but like I said...I don't have the appetite to eat for the moment...sigh..

    hehe you seems like you still care for your bf but still plan what you want to do abour urself..^^..and that's a good thing..but I spent all my 4 days long to do stars.... a peronsall present..that I spent making for her..hope she will like it^^....but I'm finished though with it....and now got nothing to do again...I want to gym...but got no one to with..cause everyone goes to like expensive gym...and like I said before My pocket is pretty empyt yeah....that' the problem..not so much for gym for urself right?

    Yeah I know it's true but I cover my face pretty easy noone notice that I got a long face or something...but hanging out with need to have money..cause it's very boring for them to have been living here for the rest of their life and just walk around the town and do nothjing or buy anything?.....and once again My pocket is empty xD so yeah...I'm not a rich guy..but I wish I was...cause I got lot's of idé how to make my gf happy and I know money is not all...but I only want to use money forthe big celebrating...or something..

    yeah I know that getting suicide dosn't solve anything...but think of this way..every got da"¤! relationship I have work so hard but still my ex don't appreciate what I have done for them...and every time we fight they always says I didn't ask you to do that for me..OMG....of course you didn't I did it for cause I love you right? girls sometimes "no offense" :p...but some girls why can't they see things from my angle?...from my side...they always be so selfish sometimes..that they always think I'm crying right must now comfort me...or I'm angry now make me I got no choice...I hate when girls are crying....when the reason is try to see it from me...I'm in pain to...I'm hurt to but still I got the strength to stay strong to comfort you even when I',m mad at u or something...gosh..being me is pain...Why do i put myself like this..I don't know..maybe I'm just a fool....that like to enjoy making my gf happy and comfortable..and safe...but formyself....I have a long way to work to make myself happye veryday...
  14. Jamien

    Jamien Well-Known Member

    But for girls, we're happy when we see our partner happy, that he can take care of himself and his family. So it's really important that you show her you can do that. Like, you're an ok person when she's not around but find a lot more joy when she's around. That's what I like, that my guy will miss me when I'm away but would go on with his daily life without too much amiss.

    Question to why girls want your comfort is maybe cuz we're emotional creatures. We succumb to our emotions quite easilly and the best way to feel better is perhaps a hug and a kind word from someone special. Most girls I know don't use tears as a means to make boys do what they want. We cry just because we're very very sad.
  15. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ

    Work Work Work and make more money. than you can go on a trip with her next time. you can show her a great time she'll have with you and always go on vacation with you only.
  16. tonkachi

    tonkachi Well-Known Member

    find a part time job to occupy your time while you wait for her to come back. It will definitely keep you busy and you'll forget about the time that she is away. Going on a previous post of yours, you say that you have ideas to make her happy, and need mula...a part time job will not only help you reach that goal, but it will also give you some real world experience for jobs later on. You'll have to get expericence for work later on, why not start early and by the time you hit 21 or so you'll be well prepared to find a decent paying job. Then you can enjoy your time with your gf even more.

    Being by your gf is a good thing...but too much of it can be hazardous to your life later on.

    Have you thought about what would you do if you and her break up? It seems like you have neglected your friends for her. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing till you break up with that person, and then you won't really have anybody to turn to or to hang out. Its a balance that you need to keep with your significant other and your friends. Seeing some of my friends go through it has made me realize this, even during my last relationship, i still made time to hang out with friends and go drinking, clubbing, going to the beach or even just hanging out at their house
  17. ckthepilot

    ckthepilot Well-Known Member

    go to yoga class :eek:
  18. WinterSky

    WinterSky Well-Known Member

    omg... this is the first time i saw so much text per post on avg.... everyone usually has 1 liners lol

    anyways... go read a book :) pick the Golden Compass or something, everyone will probably see the movie... (just cuz it seems like so much money was thrown at it) so i'd be cool to say you read the book

    plus imagine how impressed your gf would be?

    and on spare time u can write a poem or something to ur gf, maybe snail mail it to her house so she can be like "aww how swt" when she gets back
  19. tonkachi

    tonkachi Well-Known Member

    ^ i guess we really have some in-depth answers for this age old problem -shrug
  20. Quadron

    Quadron Member

    first of all..thank you guys..I really enjoying reading all ur post...actually it makes me happy so thanks..

    but as If you girls really see us guys happpy then if we don't miss you to much? how would you girls react?..would'nt you girls be mad or get sad because of it? "I have been away for such a long time and you didn't even miss me a bit" and then balbla then "I HATE YOU"...gosh-sweat....well yeah if you girls really are emotional creature then should'nt you girls understand how we boys feel? much pressure we have for each time you girls are sad or mad about something?..take this example....if a I'm mad about a girl...for something she done...and it's her fault and we argue...and we have a big fight...and we both get upset..and angry...but then she let her tears out..and feel very unhappy...till the end I',m the only one that is responsbile for this and I must comfort noone has ever comfort me..or they have tried but never succeed to make me happy again...causewhen I'm hurt the only want that can make me happy again is he one that hurt me bad in my heart..

    yeah it's easy to say it but har to do it...cause finding a job in this country is hard...I wanna work...but I need help along...and there is so much help tog et her...

    I know that earlie job will get me more experience...but how strangely..that I wasn't born like a family that has a job every chinese family..they parentneither work in restruang or some other job least there you can help out and get some small experience...but not me-_-2

    Believe me I can rejoin my friend pretty easlie..I think....but what I'm trying to say is that my friends understands someway when they know that I have agf they back off...boys and they don't ask me to go out they know I'm busy and with my gf all the time...but when I'm bock some of them ask me to hang out with them again...or I just have to call them and let them know...strangely...that's how it works....

    and what the hell is Golden compass?xD... well I havc eseen many movies lately...and I'm starting to get tired of movies:p...bah