Discussion in 'Fan Fix' started by BabyRain, May 19, 2007.

  1. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Chapter 25... :)
  2. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Woooo, so Mr. Creed is the hero who's going to save his daughter from Janie or the thing inside Janie! -^_^
    Can't help to think Mr. Creed couldn't resist to kick the head of George as far as he could...-lol -evil

    ^thanks! I do my best :D
  3. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Hmm, great update BR, interesting plots coming in. Who will save the day?

    Will the real Janie emerges back? Or would Mr. Creed really save the day?
  4. Loreen66

    Loreen66 Well-Known Member

    ^and what happened to Polly? Will she end up saving the day or will she finally get her medicine? :D

    Can't believe I missed chapt 11 >.<, Wonder if George tried any of what he learn from those books before he ..-down
  5. mgfcortez

    mgfcortez Well-Known Member

    cleaver axe same thing.lol

    thats my boy i realy like mr creed;)
    i would get me something to to do some choping with;)
    but i don't like it that he keeped on calling there names after he smelled and seen the dead body:(
    but nobody pef but i would had kept my mouth shut:p

    oh well hopefuly in the next part he will so he can get the drop on the hoe:p
    but who knows.lol
    i'll just sit back and enjoy no more guessing:p
    i said that before but i still guess tho.lol
    i'm just crazy i guess,keep up the great work baby!!!
  6. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Chapter 26 updated... :)
  7. mgfcortez

    mgfcortez Well-Known Member

    well once again great story writing;)
    poor mr creed hopefuly K and creed can work something out:)
    keep up the great work!!!!
  8. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Hmmmm, interesting progression with Creed's reflection. However I find Janie's resentment towards K (okay, maybe NOT resentment, but K definitely isn't in her favour in any way) odd...

    Hopefully Creed survives, as for K... Not a fan, seriously not a fan...

    Keep it coming!!!
  9. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Great update, Mr Creed is my man definitely. Will vote him all the way. :D
  10. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Hmm, no matter how much I want Mr. Creed to survive this all, somewhere in my back lingers the idea why Kaelyn suddenly would care for him while she actually can't stand (or even hates) him before. You could have added a nice twist like: 'Janie threatens to kill/torture Mr. Creed but find out that Kaelyn don't care for him at all and this enrages Janie even more....' :D
  11. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    That's why I hope Mr. Creed would survive while I don't quite care for K... -whistle
  12. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Haha same here! I don't care much for Kaelyn either! You hear that Brain? More peeps who want to see Mr. Creed will survive! :D
  13. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    First of all, I have a declaration to make! I have finally completed the story!
    So okay, in total, 5 more chapters, peeps. Including today's chapter 27. -lol

    Okay, first of all, I think it's only logical that Kaelyn would want her dad to run out and get help, instead of coming into the room to get killed right? :p After all, he IS her father, and she has just lost her mom, and boyfriend. So she would want the next 'closest' person to her in the family, to survive right? ;)

    And secondly, Kaelyn has just have all these visions of her father back to the old days when he was happy with her mom.. She could feel they were happy once.. and her longing and all that. surely, those feelings would have made an impact on her. :)
  14. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Oh NOOOOOOO! Don't die Mr. Creed!!! >.<

    Still think K is slower than average in her uptake of things... <_<
  15. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    OK, if Mr. Creed has to die, then Polly must die too who had fled the building. (she got hit and run over by a car when she was running across the streets?) :p
  16. mgfcortez

    mgfcortez Well-Known Member

    i like taxloss way thinking.lol
    please let polly die!
    sorry baby i just hate her still even tho you went to the pain of giving more background on her:p
    but its kinda to lil to late kind of thing we done grown to love hating her.lol

    i hate to see mr creed die,i don't like it that he raped his sister,but i like to think it was evil that made him do it.lol
    as for carl i never could buy it was only evil that made him sex up so fine girl that isn't his:p
    who knows why but i believe mr creed was made to do it,even if you didn't write it.lol

    poor mr creed he's going to die:(
    and she won't have a mom or dad that sucks:(
    oh well i can't wait to see how k kills her tho,who know j might get her mind back for a min and kill herself.lol
    or k take that chance to kill her what ever happens mr creed did his job and got that clever in there;)
    sorry baby if i messed up the ending.lol
    sometimes i can't help but guess:p
    keep posting them last 5;)
    can't wait!
    great work!
  17. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    ^ Great minds think alike huh? :D

    If Polly don't die, she'll at least go crazy and end up in the assylum because at the beginning we know that Kaelyn had a very dark secret ("NEVER in Kaelyn's life that she had encountered such a bizarre happening. Such terrifying was her experience that she had kept silent about it, afraid to tell anyone and relive the past...") she can't share with anyone.
  18. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Chapter 28! The end is near...
  19. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Wow, this new chapter is intense... What exactly is this being which possessed Janie? What is the terrible secret of K's past?

    I almost feel bad for Janie in this chapter since she was used as a vessel for this malicious spirit... Hope it will work out and Mr. Creed, Janie and K survives (probably K would, but not sure about Janie and Mr. Creed... -unsure)

    Keep the great work coming!!!
  20. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Yeah what's Kaelyn's secret past then? Good to hear Mr. Creed didn't die (yet) and you know I love that part with Janie and the eye...:p