The previews going round for Crisis Core seem to suggest it might live up to some form of expectation, though being a better game than Dirge of Cerberus isnt that hard.
yeah the crisis core looks like its going to be good comparing to the dirge of cerebus.. too bad its for psp :(
I wonder when the eng version of crisis core will come out. Tha jap version is coming out in a few months.
well Jap ver is coming out in like September right...and US version will b released soon after (i red sumwhere) it said by 4th quarter...meaning end of this year.
2007 was never likely for a US release of this game, im almost certain it will come out sometime in 2008
Not surprised. I heard their planning to remake almost every FF game for the DS. They already finished FF3.
FF7 remake would make square enix one of the most loved groups in the world!!.. multiplayer mode too....
man.... i heard rumors that the FF7 was gonna be the one from ps and the modernize movie one! put together. i was hoping for more news about this game to come out. regard less of what i'll still get the PS3 for the FF7
it would be amazing if they remade FFVII but it would most likely be on PS3 which i dont hav so that would suk