did u actually have some alone time together? or was you both always with the whole group? Because she might have felt it was awkward to just stroll up and say to you whatever. You should've strolled up to her and casually said like "Hey, I was wondering, xxx day I'm free, I'm wondering if your still up for catching a movie/ go for a meal/ whatever you had planned, if you have a free on your schedule or not?"
Ehm...well yeah i guess so... to be honest i think she not interested or else she would have mentioned it....
nah i reckon it was because you went out as a group and that's why she didn't mention to you about it. try to talk with her alone instead and i reckon you would then know properly whther she was interested or not.
it's hard to say depends on if she works at a job where she doesn't have a set schedule for myself I may end up working a weekend with out even knowing it because someone is out sick or needs to switch or whatever. Give her some time and if she doesn't want to go out hopefully she has the decency to at least tell you. just sit tight and see what happens.
I don't check my schedule, but some girls might. It could really be that she does have to check her schedule.
take it easy ...she may be busy and really need to check her schedule...some girls are like that...chill and take your mind off y going out with other girls as well
Notice the trend... just about all the girls that said the girl really does have a schedule also said "maybe" in one form or another (because they know the girl's answer is more "no" than "so"). There are a few guys on here that know that you were blown off (she's just being nice). Some guys with wishful thinking believe she really does have a schedule... Unfortunately, this latter group is outnumbered by the first group, so that should give you an answer already. However, the end result is the same. Leave her alone regarding this matter. If you still want the girl... find ways of attracting her to you. Since you were out in a group, flirt with all the other girls and have TONS of fun with everyone BUT her. You asked her out already, so she knows you're interested. Jealousy is a very powerful emotion... and I'll leave it at that.
So this is what happened. I asked her again, while we were alone in the mall...um...she sorta avoided the topic afterwards...then we went to dinner with friends. The end of the night I asked her if she wanted go grab some dessert with me, or ice cream sometime. She said "nah. it's okay". So i got the hint.
don't worry. and most importantly, do NOT think that there's something wrong with you because she rejected you. she just probably likes someone else. cheer up
there are so many girls inyour group rite go n flirt, jokes with them let HER knows its a mistake 4 not choosing u
She is probably shy or dunno how to bring up the topic since it's a group dinner. I think that how I would react too. LOL. I dunno the girl so just giving my own opinion but talking to her alone will be a good idea~ Hope things will work out
Well, it's been quite a lot of months now, so I don't think this will be of any use, but... she seems like she wants to maintain a friendship with you, but doesn't want to progress any further than just friends... the reason why she's avoiding the topic is because she doesn't know how to say it to you, but instead of just write you off and avoid you forever, she still wants to be friends with you. I wasn't so lucky because she then got very nervous around me, and avoided me if at all possible. But then, we hung out with the same group of friends... so... but our friendship was never the same...