Ringtone maker for Samsung SGH-D807X

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by azngun, Jul 3, 2007.

  1. azngun

    azngun New Member

    i have this Samsung SGH-d807x...i try to put some ringtone in..it some work fine...but most doesn't work which work with my motorolla....r there special program that i can convert the ringtone??
    does anyone know is KingMax micro sd card good for phone?
  2. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    You can use Goldwave to convert them into midi files and they might work then. It also depends on your carrier. For example Telus won't allow custom ringtones. As for the Kingmax question it should work fine. I've never had any problems with kingmax cards so far.
  3. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    i don't know that model phone; but could it be that the phone allows mp3 and not other format and vice versa? check your phone manual!
  4. azngun

    azngun New Member

    it work on some mp3 that i cut but some doesn't. i don't know why. ...i'm using Rogers. will the quality be the same it it midi file?
  5. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    I'm not sure if the quality is the same, but most ring tones that come with the phone use midi files. You said some mp3s work and some don't. Could it be some are to long? and did you also remember to copy the mp3's to your phone from you card first? Cause most phones require ringtones to be stored onto the phone and not the memory card.
  6. azngun

    azngun New Member

    o...they r same about same size..around 500kb...i'm not sure about the quality like some mp3 r more clear or something...actually i send them from bluetooth..is that bad idea?...i know sony phone use some problem for their ringtone...any idea??
  7. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    get motorola phone tools, sure you can find a bootleg version somewhere, remember i did when i had a razr lols