
Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by xmichelly, Jul 2, 2007.

  1. philostrate

    philostrate Well-Known Member

    most of the time if i was car pooling for a long journey i won't sleep and will keep chatting with the's not rude to sleep but it's better not to...since we understand it's very exhausted to drive for long journey and we should keep the driver fresh and focussed lol...
  2. rccola75

    rccola75 Member

    I think you should do your best to stay awake to keep the driver company, but if you fall asleep I don't think it's rude. And plus you stayed up preparing food for the trip.
  3. subaru3169

    subaru3169 Well-Known Member

    not rude.. is only rude if you did not contribute anything.. but you did, you prepare food.. so don't feel bad la
  4. zero_c

    zero_c Well-Known Member

    Its not rude, but I usually stay awake to keep the driver company even when I'm sleepy.
  5. cheungpwnz

    cheungpwnz Well-Known Member

    I think thats very very rude, dont do it again.
  6. Vinnie_boy

    Vinnie_boy Well-Known Member

    Well no because
    a) you have a reason why you was tired
    b) your a passenger and the job of the passenger is to enjoy the ride and that inc. sleeping ^^
  7. KitYing

    KitYing Well-Known Member

    i don't think its rude...what else can you really do?? not like the driver is talking to your or anything. but if you were talking to the driver,,,then i guess just make sure he/she won't lose attention from the road.
  8. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    well, it's not rude. that's just how road trips are.
  9. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    I fell asleep once in the car and then woke up when I felt the girls hand all over me...

    hehe. if u sleep, then who is helping him/her watch the road????
  10. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Aren't you supposed to be the one watching the road if you are the driver? <_<
    Anyway, I only sleep if I have nothing to talk about or if the driver is the quiet type.
    And if we travel in a group, I usually listen more than I talk... -cool2
  11. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    It depends, I think if the group has clear understanding of each person's part (some driving, some prepare for food etc) it's okay. However, it's always nice to stay up and talk to the driver -- I usually don't sleep on a long ride (except of course, on tour buses and greyhounds)

    I would expect out of the 3 of you NOT driving should take turns staying up, spelling for each other so that everyone can get some rest while the driver do not feel all alone...
  12. jedi_jinn

    jedi_jinn Member

    It's not rude if the driver doesn't seem to care. If the drivers were your parents they probably would not have cared at all.
  13. i dont know why theres any reason to feel guilty.

    like others said, its absolutely fine.

    ask them if you can sleep if youre afraid.

    as a driver on long journeys myself, im happy that theyre asleep, that way, i can listen to music, not worry about talking.
  14. asiangang

    asiangang Well-Known Member

    its not rude...i always do that..lolXD
  15. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    no not rude. i once had to drive for like 6 hours with four other guys (i'm a girl) and they did nothing but talk about hockey for the entire time. all i wanted to do was beat then over the head so they would pass out and go to sleep.
  16. anyways, why would you think its rude?
  17. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    See Dann, you really should stop skimming and skipping posts.
  18. gawain187

    gawain187 Well-Known Member

    Definitely not rude. If the driver really wanted to sleep they could have easily just stopped to the side and take a nap then, or switch places with one of yous