Will you eliminate those are close to him/her? No. That's an evil thing to do. Will you force yourself on him/her? No, then the person wouldn't be really loving you back. Will you risk your life for him/her? If that situation comes up, it'll be the time to see if I really love him. If I do, I will. Will you harm him/her to be with him/her? It depends what kind of hurt, directly/indirectly? If it's indirectly and the person will willing to stay with me, then yes.
@ sub True that, but some ppl do equate "love" to "possession". Go figure why ppl think like that? -huh
i don't know.. maybe is possible is translation problem or something.. but ppl in many language will say, "that person is MY bf/gf/husband/wife/partner/whatever".. to address a relationship, i guess i'm ok with it.. but to actually say, "i own him/her.. or my possession" i don't think is right
Will you eliminate those are close to him/her? Nope. Will you force yourself on him/her? Never. Will you risk your life for him/her? Without hesitation. Will you harm him/her to be with him/her? Thats psycho.. meaning NO. Reminds me of that one movie, "Misery" lol.
Will you eliminate those are close to him/her? Eliminate as in... kill? No, I am lazier than that. Will you force yourself on him/her? Force as in... rape? Don't bother being a criminal. It is not conductive to the esteem I hold. Will you risk your life for him/her? Probably not. Will you harm him/her to be with him/her? No. In general, I believe in "if you can lose him, he isn't yours to begin with", so never quite bother to fight for a relationship and whatnot...
Wow Everyone seem to all have the same answers but are you all lying to cover up because no one up to now had say Yes.
Don't use your morality (or the lack of) to measure others. It's condescending (= act like a pig). And if memory serves, you have yet to address MANY of your random questions. Wait til you address them yourself to comment on other's choices. And did I say it's OUR OWN choice? Who are you to fragging judge us? Condescending = Pig.
Nope I'm being serious with my answerers. For the forcing thing I'll leave it in between yes/no because there are different types of forces out there for certain occasion XD
Alright, hiake hiake, you don't have to be so rough and mean. I was just wondering if everyone answer with their true feeling as mostly people had the same answers.
Well, if by saying mean you mean I am pointing out the obvious, then sure I am mean. But it's not like your previous condescending comment was any better. You were practically accusing everyone of their honesty in answering the OP questions. The answers are given, take them or leave them.
i wouldn't have to lie about it since no body here knows me anyway (well may b except for 2 members)... the reason y ppl have said "no" is because those r some of the lowest things u do to get someone... infact it wouldn't even be called "being with someone u LOVE"... "eliminating those are close to him/her", "forcing yourself on him/her" and "harming him/her to be with him/her" these r not called love... these r just ways to possess someone... how can u bear to hurt someone when u love them... n would u love someone if he/she starts to slap u across the face or beat u up with a bat (unless ur into SM stuff)??
Hmmm.... Alright I'll answer this as well! Will you eliminate those are close to him/her? No b/c I rather had a fair competition. Will you force yourself on him/her? No I'll take my time and do it the right way until she fall for me. Will you risk your life for him/her? It depends what level in our relationship. Will you harm him/her to be with him/her? I don't know because it's hard to predict the future and if I like her a lot then probably I'll go bizarre and do stuff I don't want to do.
pretty true.. coz if somebody is going to ask question like this, is best to define everything in the question.. what is love, for instance.. define force.. define whatever.. ohh, and how come i think this is the first time the op answer his own question??
yeah coz a group of us was giving him a lil bit of peer pressure to answer his own questions -lol but anyway way... i think the workd "harm" in the questions says it all...