Guys Fake Or Real Boobs?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by bebe27, Jul 5, 2007.



Poll closed Jul 15, 2007.

    2 vote(s)

    27 vote(s)
  1. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    bebe, look at subaru's quote.
    in a perfect world, it would be great to not give a damn about what other ppl think. in the real world, u think like that, u wake up one day and ur 45 with 9 cats and wearing a mumu. ppl judge u by the way u look. it is just the way it is. no guy will ever look at a girl and think to himself, "nice personality". i agree that looks will only take u so far. if u are a rotten person inside, then chances are, it prob still won't work out.
  2. subaru3169

    subaru3169 Well-Known Member

    that's pretty much true..

    plus the post you quoted me on, i didn't define "nice".. i don't like to make very long posts.. but if is needed, by nice i mean if they think is look nice, then is fine by me.. sure everybody have standard by what is attractive, i have mine too.. doesn't mean i won't be with a girl who is not as good looking, but have incredible personality
  3. WinterSky

    WinterSky Well-Known Member

    uhhh... it's great if your confident about yourself, and can walk into a room of the hottest women in the world and not feal any jealous hate towards them. But not evey woman can do that. I'm pretty sure doing somthing like that would spark inferiority.

    and yea, what madeinchina said about make up is true too. Doing a lil something to boost confidence
  4. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    keepin it real
  5. bebe27

    bebe27 Active Member

    yes i agree with you that not every guy will feel like this but the majority is yes they do. and if they dont say it in front of the guys or girls then why would we think like that? its just pissing. and i dont want to make this a big deal.
  6. *whew*

    lucky i have inner beauty.... :p
  7. WinterSky

    WinterSky Well-Known Member

    physical beauty gets u noticed, inner beauty is what holds a relationship <-- what i always sorta thought

    if you don't have physical beauty, all u can do is attempt to show off your inner beauty to other pplz. and inner beauty is a bit harder to get across, and definatly will take longer as well
  8. bebe27

    bebe27 Active Member

    its my opinion and im just gonna keep it that way. i am against fake boobs. like you can buy a push up bra or something. iunno. sometimes i think girls take it way too far with their selves.
  9. bebe27

    bebe27 Active Member

    actions will do everything. try to impress pple with yur inner beauty, cause its always there.
  10. -Tisken-

    -Tisken- Well-Known Member

    LOL first i thought this thead is "Guys Fake Or Real Robots?" XD

    well i dont think Implantations are good.... with make up most girls are pretty enough...
  11. aishiteru4

    aishiteru4 Well-Known Member

    lol.. me too me too... i think... a low self esteem one.. but i have it... lol:D

    everyone have their choices... well i guess u could put it htis way... fake boobs are just implanted push up bras? if u r against fake boobs.. then wot bout ppl with other plastic surgeries? so r u generally against ppl who have had some artificial in them? -unsure
  12. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    real nice looking breasts are definitely better than fakes.
  13. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    i can imagine why girls get a pair of silicones...i mean if u feel really bad about not having "big" boobs or boobs at all....i think everyone should decide for herself....

    butta...did u guys watch oceans 13? that blond woman al pacino's p.a....omg....its not that i look at womens boobs but damn..guess her boobs were fake.....and it looked....weird & yuckie.... =/
  14. subaru3169

    subaru3169 Well-Known Member

    : sigh : just "shake what your mama gave ya" la..
  15. aishiteru4

    aishiteru4 Well-Known Member

    yup yup.. just work with wot u have... lol
  16. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    I'm totally against breast implants. It just seems icky to me, but I guess I can understand why some people get them. But I don't think it makes them fake. Like, if it's some really nice but shy person who is closed off from the world, the implants or whatever surgery could make them more confident and then they would be able to share their REAL nice personality with everyone.

    I'm a girl and I don't think every guy just likes girls because of their bodies. I mean, it's not like they will even refuse to be friends with a girl just because she's not pretty (well, all of the guys I know wouldn't). It's just that they'll see them ... on the "friend ladder" I guess. But when they get to know them, they could start to like them.
  17. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    "she was a cougar according to maxim magazine" lols, but yea those must be fake but she was old, made em look worst.
  18. aniking_7

    aniking_7 Well-Known Member

    Maybe you should change your text sizes and be calm. I think fake boobs is not needed because I rather enjoy their beautiful face and the times we share together.
  19. yarg11

    yarg11 Well-Known Member

    Real boobs, anything more then a mouth full is a waste anyway -tongue2
  20. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    for those of you that are against fake boobs, will you go under the knife for other things? getting fake boobs is just another form of plastic surgery, so if you are not willing to get that, does that also mean that you won't go for plastic surgery to fix ... say your imperfect eyes or your imperfect nose or your imperfect mouth, etc?

    having said that, I agree with WinterSky. big boobs gets the guy to come over to say hi, good personality keeps the guy from leaving. and that's is a fact that won't change. and come on gals, admit it, you are more likely to give the time of the day to the hotter guy compare to the geek next to him, to the bad boy rather than the nice guys. that's why they have that saying 'nice guys finish lasts'. and this, i believe it's what we call attraction!

    DISCLAIMER: after all that, i prefer real boobs. hehe ... i'm all about natural!