i would recommend simply eat less bread, noodle, rice and sugar for a while. that;ll make you feel less bloated in the stomach area. i like doing cardio for at least 45 mins a day i prefer doing the elliptical but walking or running could do. i read in a magazine that to lose 1 pound is equivalient to to approx 400 ( i am rounding up) calories need to burn more than your intake calorie from food.
try not ot eat much at night although this post been a while hope you come back and tell us your results
Running imo is the best way to lose weight. Similar to the other poster I was able to lost 30 lbs in 2 months. I ran about 3 or 4 miles twice a week on a mountain. The key to running is to maintain a good pace and heart beats per minute. Also get a friend to work out with you. Good luck.
wow its like a chat room in here... buh here's my take on ur initial post... diet to maintain a healthy weight is fine nd it seems yoo haf a pretti negative outlook... don't become anorexic or bulimic cuz dose realli r disorders dat are a lot more serious dan most peepo dink. for a girl at 5'5... your weight don't seem so heavy... like a couple commented eventho it was out of joking also... posting a pic might help to see mabbe toning in trouble spots
OKK..... First of all lets say that's not heavy at all... however I say that but I still moan about my weight my self. Mmm, I'll tell u some of my tips. I mean it's easier on ya self... Breakfast it's better to eat fruit and stuff... cereal ... well anything that fills u .. (noooo choco) ... and stuff in between is ok... eating more for Lunch is ok cos u move around most at that time and u cn burn that off ... But for dinner it's better .. if u ate chicken and fish and other stuff that isn't so fattening... And try not to eat much after dinner ... (fruit would be d best option)... Sit ups are best done in the noon ... around ... 2-5 o clock ! Jogging .. is best done in the morning cos ur burning d fat of from dinner (eat breakfast after the jogging session .. dinner provides enough energy). And around 2-3 hrs after dinner u could do some gentle exercise.... like - yoga, stretches, tai chi and so on! Well some ppl might not agree with me but thats how I go through my routine everyday! ^^ Good luck! P.S: 5ft 5 ... 9-10 stones ISN'T FATTT!
Wel I fink don't eat after 8pm will let you see result very soon. I started not eating after 9pm and I saw I lost quite a bit no the arms and butt. So do try. O yea and remember to exercise every so often, lik 10 - 20mins a day with simple sit up and jogging
i ever lost weight for about 12kgs... i think in the 1st place must find out what kind of fat u r... mostly water retention or ... hard fats .... press your hand or body... if its turn white it is water retention and if turn red it mean hard fat (mostly muscles)... from there find out the correct way to solve the problem...
eat healthily..cut out the unnesscary stuff eg junk..the occasional chocolate bar is ok i guess.. n just work out... thats what i'm doing atm..i think i'm slighty overweight..so i just eat less n work out n try burn the fat into muscles..tho my bf says i'm not heavy n very light..but i still feel self conscious so yeh..
i never ever wear bikini lol..whether summer is on its way or when i go swimming..too self conscious..=/
dnt snakage , eat alot of salads instead of fatty and oily thing slike chips , only try to start loosing weight when ur boddy is fully grown ( it may change all of a sudden) excersise regularly, cleaning the house is a way of excersising and u get the house clean at the same time.
question: so eating two meals a day is bad?? i mean i am kinda use to always eating ttwo meals a day wat do u guys mean by 5 small portions? btw anyone know wat types of food like veggies, meats, or fruits that have a lot of proteins? and is swimming a good way to exercise? bc i have difficulty in going to gym especially in a hot summer season
2 meals isn't really bad.. just don't make the meal so big, and have some small snack in between throughout the day.. small portion mean small portion, what else can it mean?? swimming is the best way to exercise to simply keep healthy, depend on your goal
im also tryin to loose weight myself... have been jogging & playing basketball...and still cant shed those fats off.... but all i know is...we must not over-eat...always eat in moderation...and never skip a meal.