Love vs Religion

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by SugaCutie0, Jul 6, 2007.

  1. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Yeah in fact, I would find it rather fishy if the guy tells me, "Oh I don't wanna talk about it".
    It's better to have the discussion now than later.
  2. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    I don't expect her to drop her religion as long as she doesn't try to convert me. I expect her to not mind that I don't follow her religion though.

    If she cannot accept that I believe in something different from hers and she is not willing to follow my way of thinking, then there is no point in continuing the relationship.
  3. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Oh but your way of putting it is a lil bit confusing... "not willing to follow my way of thinking", I thought you meant she has to be an atheist like you.
  4. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    Yes, it seems a bit confusing.

    I'll try to put it in simpler terms.

    1. The girl cannot accept that I don't follow her ideas.
    2. If the girl follows my ideas, then we will both be following the same ideas. Therefore, no problem.
    3. If the girl is not willing to follow my ideas, then we still believe in different ideas and she cannot accept it. Therefore, there is a problem.
  5. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    It doesn't matter as long as we don't get too confronting about it and we don't try to convert each other (or preach our religion).
  6. aniking_7

    aniking_7 Well-Known Member

    I believe...

    I believes religion was affect me as long as I love someone and beside I'm not a religious type of person.
  7. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    Suga, see what you did? you opened a big can of worms and now it's out and crawling everywhere!

    personally, i do not see religion as a main concern in a relationship. although i have to admit that it'll hurt the relationship (speaking from experience) and end up breaking the relationship (again, experience). i do not think a religious person as a definite good person, nor do i think a non religious person as an evil person. in a relationship, there's always give and take ... the question is how much are you willing to give and take from each person. if you are able to give that person the freedom to practise (or not) a certain religion that's different from yours, then it might work out. OR if you are willing to take that person's religion and convert, then problems solved. from my experience, if you are willing to give the other person that freedom but that person is not willing to give you the freedom, then there's a chance that the relationship might not work. And as my personal experience, alot of the religious people will not be able to give you that kind of freedom.

    anyways to answer the question of this thread - i wouldn't allow religion to be the problem between my girl and i. and i hope that wouldn't be a problem for her either.

    a religion is just a religion ... don't let it take over your life and deprive you from living to the fullest. i'm sure God wants each and everyone of us to be happy and be with someone that makes us happy.
  8. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    What do you consider as a religious person? I have my own beliefs and I hold them important to me as my faith and also my guidance so I think I can be considered a 'religious' person. But yet, according to my 'religion', I am supposed to practice tolerance towards others and I really support the concept of free will.

    So, yeah, although I am a religious person, I also give freedom to practice to my partner provided that he does the same.
  9. ckthepilot

    ckthepilot Well-Known Member

    Respect each other's differences.
  10. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    I don't think you got BabyRain's point. It's not about pushing beliefs at the other; partners should know where each other stands regarding the religion aspects as this is bound to give conflicts if they didn't have talked about it before! What if for example the Muslim husband want to give his kids muslim names, wnats a muslim upbringing for them, put them at a muslim school but the christian wife wants a christian upbringing for the kids etc? There would be a conflict heh?

    And if you already studied a lot if religion around the world, why don't you join in the discussions in the Philosophy and Religion forum instead?

    Show your so called religion knowlegde or it doesn't exists.
  11. subaru3169

    subaru3169 Well-Known Member

    just because i have the knowledge doesn't mean i have to show it

    and for you to say show it or it doesn't exist is a claim you have yet to prove.. if you want to make accusations, then prove it
  12. SugaCutie0

    SugaCutie0 Well-Known Member


    lol dont blame me! Just asking a Q..-whistle That's true in a lot of cases, there's good and bad among people whether they are supposedly "religious" or not.
  13. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    lol Taxloss isn't accusing you. He is INVITING you to contribute and share your 'knowledge' in the philo and religion section that's all.

    Can't blame him. I am also skeptical towards people who claim that they are knowledgeable but prefer not to share their so-called knowledge. -whistle

    I mean, if you are indeed so knowledgeable, what's the harm in joining the discussions?
    Unless you deem the rest of us not worthy to discuss with you?

    Or is it because that so-called knowledge of yours is too limited to even have a discussion with the rest of us? -whistle

    If you are afraid to discuss and share your 'knowledge', you'll never know the extent and depth of what you have 'learnt' so far.

    And who knows, perhaps you are just following the wise words of Mark Twain's "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." -whistle
  14. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    I didn't make accusations, just challenged you to join the Religion discussions as you seem to love to mingle in discussions between other people, adding nothing to it with things like "agreed" and "precisely". You remember you have been warned right?
  15. subaru3169

    subaru3169 Well-Known Member

    my posts recently weren't just one words if you looked at my history.. challenge or not, doesn't mean i should be forced into any discussion.. it's just like, just because i have better car and can drive better than other ppl, does that mean i should challenge everybody i see on the road to togue?? it's a battle i see no point in and don't care to participate in, so i won't post in that section.. and that mean i won't just go in there, read a few posts and quote with a simple "agreed/precisely/whatever".. i mingle in discussions where they have merit and where i can contribute another pov.. thus, your claim to my adding nothing and just say "agreed/precisely" is invalid

    if you're so philosophically adept, lets see you prove how my recent posts within the past week or so have added "nothing" as you have said in juxtaposition to the threads i have participated in.. basics of philosophy entail the art of argument, in which i see no backing foundation as to your claim to my being "warned" applicable as of late

    you seem to give off the attitude that you know everything.. also by reading your posts, you keep bickering with ppl when you don't need to.. if you keep this up, i wouldn't be surprised if you have a difficult life with ppl.. this kind of stuff, imo, makes for many conflicts coz it's not necessary.. like i said, just coz you know something, doesn't mean you HAVE to share it.. i never said i was afraid to discuss anything nor that you guys aren't worthy enough or whatever, i simply don't CHOOSE to.. it's the members like you who like to imply accusations with unfounded basis that i choose not to participate.. i also don't like to read long posts, that's why i keep mine short but still with content.. if i don't like to read long posts, i'm considerate enough to make mine short as well.. you can be skeptical all you want, but without my saying anything, you won't win this argument.. so stop pestering me about doing something i already explained i don't want to do
  16. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Wait a minute, your analogy doesn't work here! A car which can be graded by its exterior and its performance-wise, that we can acknowledge that you may have a better car...

    BUT, if you made a claim that you have so much of these so-called knowledge of the religions around the world, then the only way to know if it's true would be to see your 'contribution' in the philo and religion section right? -whistle

    Otherwise, don't be making unsupported claims and can't rise up to the challenge...

    And before I reply anything else, first of all are you aware of that multi-quote button?
    Why are you double-posting? As a super FOB, I assume you would have learnt the courtesy of not to double post by now?

    'Bickering' huh? Is this what you called bickering? LOL. Naw, you just gave me a bad vibe of acting like a wannabe know-it-all. So you claimed that you are very 'knowledgeable', in other words, a show-off, a bragger, so what's wrong with challenging you?

    You don't even know me well, to you or a certain number of people, I might be hostile, but to others I am not. Who are you to give me a lecture on 'life lessons' when you don't seem to me to be a matured person at all? -whistle
  17. subaru3169

    subaru3169 Well-Known Member

    the point of the car analogy is that just because it has enough backing, sufficient modification AND an able driver, doesn't mean they have to challenge everybody else

    read my posts again, i never said that i have SO MUCH, just that i have enough where i can understand basics of different religions/views of different cultures.. i don't have to contribute to anything in that section, coz i choose not to.. it doesn't matter what you say, coz i know what i know and know what i have learned from what others have taught me.. just like you know what you know from whoever taught you or experience yourself.. whether i share my view is my decision and not yours.. leave me alone

    i DO know the multiple quote button.. if you looked at my history, i have used it.. it's just that you and i are replying at the same time.. i'm not a bragger if i am answering a question, just like i did with yours and taxloss'.. likewise, you don't know me well at all either.. and i am not giving "life lessons".. that's why i put in "imo" and "i think/feel/whatever".. you should probably read a bit more carefully before accusing me of anything
  18. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Hey, there's nothing wrong with challenging you to share your so-called knowledge, because from your posts, you keep indicating that you have are 'FAIRLY KNOWLEDGEABLE'. So what's wrong with asking you to join in the discussions? Why are you being so defensive now? Lol.

    A challenge or invitation whatever you put it, is just that. You can either accept or decline.
    And we are free to make our own conclusion and our opinion of you (just like you are making your opinion of us) based on your response.

    And you seem to blatantly ignore my comment of the multi-quote button AND also failed to use the EDIT button. I'll just inform a mod on this of your favourite hobby of double-posting.
  19. subaru3169

    subaru3169 Well-Known Member

    like i said many times already, i DECLINE to participate in that section INSTEAD of just simply quoting and making useless posts.. i'm on the defensive coz you keep harassing me when i've already told you to leave me alone

    and i did NOT ignore what you've said.. obviously you have ignored what i have said about us posting at the same time.. you're the one that has failed.. look at the time stamp, it proves it already..

    go do whatever you want, i've already told you to leave me alone
  20. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    DUDE, you quoted me on my posts which i posted in ONE post. How is that different timing?
    And besides, you could have used the EDIT button instead of posting another post right after your latest post.

    And the first one you double posted, you (#56) quoted TAXLOSS (#55) first before me, and my post (#54) was made BEFORE taxloss. Then you proceed to quote ME on your post (#57).

    What on earth are you talking about? If you wanna come up with an excuse, at least make it a justifiable and reasonable excuse instead of a totally ridiculous one that anyone can see it's a senseless one! Stop digging deeper into your own grave.